fucking LOL

The-Petoniemi said:
It's a fucking shame that they started showing some fucking Futurama instead of South Park here in Finland, because thay showed it too early(3.15 PM) even though it has an age limit... 'too rough language'. Fuck. Whatever, that was like five months ago..

I heard Finland is the only country in the world where Donald Duck is banned cause his has no pants :loco:
KillerGon said:
I heard Finland is the only country in the world where Donald Duck is banned cause his has no pants :loco:
KillerGon said:
I heard Finland is the only country in the world where Donald Duck is banned cause his has no pants :loco:
heard te same thing(in portuguese and english). Banned? wtf... me being stupid again. If I know what 'banned' means, I don't get the whole thing.
The-Petoniemi said:
heard te same thing(in portuguese and english). Banned? wtf... me being stupid again. If I know what 'banned' means, I don't get the whole thing.

Let me rephrase that for you: Finland is the only country in the world that prohibited/censored/has forbidden Donald Duck because he is not wearing pants.
hm. I have hundreds of Donald Ducks from the year -81 or so, looks pretty much same as the American stuff to me, or whatever. Or Norwegian, I have a Norwegian Donald Duck. Well the comic before was funny, forgot to mention :grin:

(If DD really has a dick(or similar stuff) that is censored because of the law of the Finns, please tell me)