Fucking Muslims and their islamofascist games..

Shoving a magnet up your ass and having wires hanging out is not theraputic. It's just plain ridiculous. He did it to provoke an there you go. Do you understand now? I hope so. MAybe he was a terrorist testing the system. MAybe he was working for the US government to scare people about terrorist or maybe he was an Iraqi asshole with a magnet up his ass being an idiot.
Either way the point is, Someone, somewhere is testing, Us/the system or both. But, I still for the record believe- ISLAM is a shit religion with shitbag followers who where shit rags on their heads..
Shoving a magnet up your ass and having wires hanging out is not theraputic. It's just plain ridiculous. He did it to provoke an there you go. Do you understand now? I hope so. MAybe he was a terrorist testing the system. MAybe he was working for the US government to scare people about terrorist or maybe he was an Iraqi asshole with a magnet up his ass being an idiot.
Either way the point is, Someone, somewhere is testing, Us/the system or both. But, I still for the record believe- ISLAM is a shit religion with shitbag followers who where shit rags on their heads..

Shoving a magnet up your ass and having wires hanging out is not theraputic. It's just plain ridiculous. He did it to provoke an there you go. Do you understand now? I hope so. MAybe he was a terrorist testing the system. MAybe he was working for the US government to scare people about terrorist or maybe he was an Iraqi asshole with a magnet up his ass being an idiot.
Either way the point is, Someone, somewhere is testing, Us/the system or both. But, I still for the record believe- ISLAM is a shit religion with shitbag followers who where shit rags on their heads..
oh yea at least someone with a piece of a clue,,,it kind of makes it more entertaining to smack them around a bit.
Lol. Basically, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, most core religions desire to control the world and disregard everybodies feelings in the process. Christians have 1 billion followers (approx) and for what? Why do the majority of the planet believe this religion, and attempt to enforce it in their everyday lives? Let's just assume, from speculation that it's bullshit. Nonetheless, religion itself manipulates us all to a degree because everybody, the president, martyrs, the common man around us decide to make an action based on what their God has told them to do, whether it be big or small. This terrorism thing bares the same principality as any other who wants people to suffer because they don't have the same religion, or they want to scare people. It isn't just Islam itself that is a weapon of deterrence, but all religion is a scapegoat in particular to claim the right to virtually anything.
I still for the record believe- ISLAM is a shit religion with shitbag followers who where shit rags on their heads..

I agree !!
although you forgot to mention that Christainity and Judaism are just as Shit with shitbag followers too !!

lets not forget they are all Old Testament believing Ideological cousins hey ? :heh:
I agree !! lets not forget they are all Old Testament believing Ideological cousins hey ?

Ay! The Old Testament is friggin awesome! Especially the book of Joshua. Ever read that book? Joshua was ordered to go forth into the promised land, and empty it of those dirtbags who were living there. No apologies. No resettlements. None of that gay shit. There were a bunch of idiots there, and they were catapulted to the far side of the grave. Simple as that! How uncomplicated things were 3,000 years ago.
