Fucking Pissed!

I am so fucking pissed right now I can barely drink my coffee, I have just read a review in rollingstone about the upcoming white stripes cd and this fucking music critic does everything but pull out his wang and masturbate over the damn thing. why is it every year or so some pack of fucktards puts out a cd and all the music critics start drooling and writing propaganda about it, trying to drive up sales. I'm thinking there may be payoffs to these gonadless scribes, oh fuck fuck fuck.
may there be a fiery crash of the tour bus, please.


AAAARGH! I feel much better now.
good that you're pissed off because of that.
my mom is at the moment having an examination of her brains on magnetical resonance. I'm somewhat not pissed off.

nice signature.
if it wasn't the white stripes, they'd write the exact same article and just replace a few of the names for something else.

I can't say I can listen through a full album, but their stuff is pretty decent for what they do... and their new one is an improvement over their previous stuff, from what I've heard of it ...

Since reservations are being made for the death tour bus, I'd much rather it be filled with those music critics.

I wrote Rolling Stone a scathing letter by email, especially about their women in Rock issue...not mentioning the likes of Doro, or anyone like her at all. They blocked sendered me! HAHA! I'm quite proud of that for some reason.

Then when I wrote them a hand written letter (since I was block sendered) I told them OFF! That their content is dictated by their top 40 list in the back of the magazine. That the "list" is their guide to go by and what to report on. ANd if it didn't sell so many records, they weren't gonna write about it. I was especially PISSED when they reviewed Meshuggahs Nothing album, and said "This is what the likes of Slayer and Tool relax too." What a dumbass remark! So I called them on that! That it was probably the first time they'd ever mentioned a metal band, and it was only in passing! I told them to FUCK OFF! I hated their magazine, it used to be underground, and revolutionary. It was no longer relevant and was a rag for top 40 music. GUESS WHAT THEY DID!?

They sent me another YEARS SUBSCRIPTION FOR FREE! Then I wrote them and told them to stick up their ass. I put hand drawn skull and crossbones on the label, and mark in a sharpie as big as I can RETURN TO SENDER!

Sorry about your mom Tee, hope she's alright.
