Full Meshuggah Cover "Rational Gaze" Tone Test Posted!! (Schecter ATX 8, Lundgren m8)


Artist: Idoler
Nov 11, 2008
Alameda, Ca.

Hey dudes, so i finally got my new Schecter Blackjack ATX 8 string, and i put the Lundgren m8 Pup in it that i had just been staring at for the last two weeks! haha! it was killing me not having this thing to play with! DAMN PAYPAL E-CHECKS and their stupid 5 day waiting process! :)



couldn't help but do a fun tone test with the new axe! I did "Rational Gaze" cause frankly...that song just kicks all sorts of butt imho!!! hahaha! Still working on making the ambient leads a bit fuller, will finish that up and update the track later on tonight or tomorrow, but in the meantime...Enjoy Guys! :headbang:

Cheers dudes! :p
"Rational Gaze" Cover by IDOLER
whoa, this is an awesome cover!

it's screaming (hah) for vocals though.

very impressed how close you've matched the guitar tone, i'm.. impressed! aha

i might suggest EQ the snare for more smack, and add a bit reverb?

also, the guitar lead bits (at the beginning) need a pretty heavy reverb too.

aside from those 2 things, this cover is spot on!

thanks guys

Dylan S- DFHS1 for drums :headbang:

dcdanman- yea, definitely gonna beef up the first lead like i said, and i will also add a bit more verb to the snare. i'm actually happy with the smack for now, but i will play around with it when it comes time for me to throw vocals over this! haha. thanks for the critique dude! :)
aha, this cover is so spot on it took me a while of listening to even come up with those! aha

this is a really amazing job you've done!

As the guys said, really close tone and guitar playing to the original. Kinda throws you off how close it is, haha. Drums could use a little more work, but I have a feeling the guitars are supposed to be the centerpiece here.

What PODX3 amps if I may ask?

Just a tip, if you take out a little high mids (around 2 to 3k) you'll be closer to the guitar sound of the original yet again!
for the POD X3...i'm just rockin the Bulb patch with a little less gain.

you can get it here:

Drums could use a little more work, but I have a feeling the guitars are supposed to be the centerpiece here.

yea, the git tone is definitely the focus, but i think the drums were'nt too far off from the original either...care to elaborate on that? :)

Drums could use a little more work, but I have a feeling the guitars are supposed to be the centerpiece here.

if you take out a little high mids (around 2 to 3k) you'll be closer to the guitar sound of the original yet again!

hahaha, i'm not gonna get greedy dude! :p if i did that, then my guitar tone would be less gritty, and secretly...i like mine better! :headbang: thank you for the tip though my man, very cool of you.
Cool stuff. Just suggested it because you might find that range will fight a bit once you get the vocals in there.

As far as the drums go. The snare in particular has a little more body on the original. It's very subtle but there may be some early reflections in there, adding a slight bit of depth, either from the OHs or Rooms. As far as the EQ balance goes, the original may have a little more low mids.

The original also has a beefier low-end, partly due to the balance of the bass guitar and kick being different. I think it's safe to say there is a bit more low energy on the original.

Cool work again. Always flips me out hearing it :)
tokyurot- thanks dude!

Ermz- hahaha, cool dude. i always feel there's more to learn and experiment with. and i compared their (Re-Nothing album) to mine using my KRK 8's at home, and i know they can definitely tell lies from time to time! i'm throwing vocals on this soon, so i will make some of the necessary changes as i go! thanks again dude!
You probably sound like Jens Kidman too right? If you do, then I'll :worship:

Just kidding, but very interested in hearing this with vox though.
Great as always! I guess your Lundgren M8's play some part in guitar tone too. Or at least Meshuggah used to use them in some part of their career? Cool guitar too!
Meshuggah still use those motherfuckers now :D God I want some 6 string Lundgren pups :D

Again dude, this cover is so awesome, its sounds so much like the real one! I can't wait to hear how it sounds with vocals :D