Full Metal Racket last night

Ah crap I forgot it was Tuesday. The Pilgrim is just about my fav on the album thus far
Wrathchild said:
I heard The Pilgrim (quite good, I expect it'll grow on me once I've got the album) but fell asleep before the Hansi interview. What did I miss, and did Andrew play any more tracks from the new BG?


He played three tracks from the new album

Other Land, Straight Through the Mirror and This Will Never End.

When asked about an Australian tour Hansi said they will tour if they can play South Korea because flights are cheaper, but even if they can play South Korea Hansi didn't seem very confident for a Aussie tour. :cry:
I figured someone with a username like yours would be able to answer my question. Ta!

As a relatively new convert to all things Blind Guardian, the wait for A Twist In The Myth seems unbearable. I know it leaked in July, but MP3s just don't seem the same.