Full opeth concert download

Its going slow as fuck on 300K.God Knows why.

This sucks.

Anyone fancy linking us a download?
where exactly did you find this? maybe if we know the site we would be able to download it and keep it.

and how do you find this on kazaa? i searched for "opeth" "opeth live" "opeth inferno festival". i can't seem to find it.
Eliogabalus said:
Try using WMRecorder 7.0

Thanx dude, much appreciated! I was just about to start banging my head against the monitor, as I couldn't figure out how to grab the stupid video :) You can d/load the prog at http://www.netfor2.com/copy50.html.

I also found the 900k version of the vid, 300+ MB download, here mms://straum.nrk.no/Musikk/2003-06-16/Opeth_900k.wmv.

If anyone wants the Immortal vid, grab a 900k version here: mms://straum.nrk.no/Musikk/2003-06-17/Immortal_900k.wmv. Does anyone have the setlist for Immortal, by any chance? I don't know all the songs they play.

NightSilentWater said:
when and where was this concert again?

I just realized there's another whole thread on this topic, http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=94920&mode=linear&perpage=25&pagenumber=1

The festival took place in Norway, on Apr. 18. Here's the link to their site: http://www.infernofestival.net/

OK, I figured out which songs Immortal plays, but I don't know the first one. Can someone tell me the name of their first song? Any Immortal fans here?