Full song/Mix Metal Core

really nice mix! And I like the song too :) It sounds a LOT like BMTH lol

like actofvengence said drums could come up...probably get more power to the mix by doing this. I'd probably take off some of the verb on the snare to make it more up front. Are those real Overheads or programmed? They sound real good.

The guitar tone is really fat what are you usin? pod? impulses??
ok Cool thnks. Im gonna listen to it again, then i probably adjust the verb. Im not big of a fan of Andys and Colins MEGA uppfront drums, but perhaps im gonna add 1db or 2 ;).

Its Revalver Mk III for the guitars.

And i can agree that it sounds like BMTH hehe. Ive been listening to them allot lately. I was inspired by their heavy groovyness, tried to do something similiar.

i like BMTH and your song is great man!;)
drums up, i like your drums too.:p
revalver settings? and post-process? for example, i like guitar in 2.00.
Guitars sound really scooped, kick is a little loud, snare/toms are soft. You've got a really similar guitar tone but it sounds like you've scooped the shit out of it post. The mix isn't great yet but has the potential to be.
Ok cool i look into it. Didnt consider it done yet, have to have a listen again today.
Loud kick drum aih!!!
Well i've been an intern at studio fredman so i think i have to blame Fredrik for that one hahah :)

Im gonna update the version today, See what you all think
Thnks for the response :)

Snare is sounding weird, sounds like its being hit JUST late all the time. And then sometimes when the kick is being hit at the same time theres a kinda flam going on between them. Kick sounds a bit odd too, at 1;20. Like theres multiple kick samples that JUST aren't hitting at the same time.

Fix that, and raise the toms a touch, and it'll be much better, but its already way improved from the other version. Guitars sound pretty effing awesome for Revalver, mind posting the settings?
Yeah i hear you. Something wrong with latency there, I can defently hear that flam going on grrr. Time to upgrade to PT HD soon :).
Gonna fix that snare, probably gonna make a new one with some other samples. Need some more mids absolutely.
Thnks for the repsonse. Gonna get back on that Revalver Settings for you all.

If I may say, the entire mix sounds quite out of whack to me. I would restart the entire mix, and keep the focus on processing as little as possible. At the moment it's sounding quite hollow, distant and mismatched. Very strong in the 500hz area too, makes it sounds a bit tubby.
If I may say, the entire mix sounds quite out of whack to me. I would restart the entire mix, and keep the focus on processing as little as possible. At the moment it's sounding quite hollow, distant and mismatched. Very strong in the 500hz area too, makes it sounds a bit tubby.

That's the intro. ;)
I'm listening to it with the volume really low (can't turn it up right now), and I'm mostly hearing guitars. The drums can be heard but are really subdued and lack punch/attack/dynamics, don't know which word to use. The tones themself seem cool, though.

What are you using for monitoring? It sounds a bit like a headphones mix.
Ok, trying not to get all worked upp here hehe.... The scoped problem lies in in the original sound of the guitars, could have spend more time dialing in the "perfect" tone. Can agree on the snare, and i hear the latency problem gonna fix it today.

As i wrote earlier like my drums to be a little bit lower, not a s high as andy and colin like em.

Lack of punch?? Serously?? Think its punchy as hell?? ;)

Ermz i dont think its that bad, Ive heard scoped cool mixes, Clayman for example (dont start that discussion just mention it ;) )

Revalver settings:

Greener pedal
Gain 10, (in revalver the gain is affected much by how hot the signal is)
Mid,Bass etc untouched
Post gain all down to Zero (probably shouldnt have turned it down that low)
One of the Jsx impulses (cant remember wich, sry)

I don't reckon that sounds bad at all. Guitars are too prominant though, and they may be covering up problems underneath. The subdrops kinda end abruptly, would be nice if they faded out a bit