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Our government stopped someone getting CVD19 as a car rego plate because it was "too offensive". My wife works at a place where they do business and company names and Covid related names come up all the time and people get shitty when they are knocked back. We may not be proud of our national stupidity but we can't ignore it :)
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I don't have a problem with any of that. It's the law part that gets me. A bad name can be a very arbitrary thing. Who exactly decides who can or can't use a certain name? ...and when does the name Gestapo come to the door? :lol:
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I don't have a problem with any of that. It's the law part that gets me. A bad name can be a very arbitrary thing. Who exactly decides who can or can't use a certain name? ...and when does the name Gestapo come to the door? :lol:

The rego plate thing is a bit stupid, to not pass it because it's "too offensive" is strange, but then again we live in an age where everything is offensive to someone.

I don't know how things work in the US but here when you have a baby you fill out the birth certificate with the baby name, parent's name, etc. That goes to the office of Birth, Deaths and Marriage (or some official name) and an official birth record is created. There is certain names that will always be rejected for obvious reasons, Fuck, Shit, those types of words. Then there is trademarked words/terms which would be rejected, then there would not doubt be secondary words that most of us wouldn't even consider, yet they could be deemed offensive, or some such thing. It's made easier with computer databases these days but it's done to stop idiot parents ruining lives, to stop them naming after a trademark then trying to claim on it, for quite a few reasons really. Idiots here have proven we need such law when over the years names I remember being rejected are things like Satan, Hitler, ABCDE (pronounced ABEECADEE apparently), Ikea, Batman, even Circumcision and Scrotum.
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The rego plate thing is a bit stupid, to not pass it because it's "too offensive" is strange, but then again we live in an age where everything is offensive to someone.

I don't know how things work in the US but here when you have a baby you fill out the birth certificate with the baby name, parent's name, etc. That goes to the office of Birth, Deaths and Marriage (or some official name) and an official birth record is created. There is certain names that will always be rejected for obvious reasons, Fuck, Shit, those types of words. Then there is trademarked words/terms which would be rejected, then there would not doubt be secondary words that most of us wouldn't even consider, yet they could be deemed offensive, or some such thing. It's made easier with computer databases these days but it's done to stop idiot parents ruining lives, to stop them naming after a trademark then trying to claim on it, for quite a few reasons really. Idiots here have proven we need such law when over the years names I remember being rejected are things like Satan, Hitler, ABCDE (pronounced ABEECADEE apparently), Ikea, Batman, even Circumcision and Scrotum.
Honestly I have no idea how it works here. I don't have kids lol. Unless it's really offensive like Hitler (I think I've heard of a case like that) I think you can name your kid whatever you want. But I'm no expert.
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It's one of those things that you don't want to like because it's the gubbermint telling people what they can and can't do, but at the same time when you realise some poor kid has to spend his or her life explaining ABCDE you can see why it has to be. :)
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Not allowed to change your name until your 18 without parental authorisation. I'm all for not having a kid going through his, or her, life with the name Circumcision just because the parents were morons.

A quick Google search indicates that while America probably has the least rules about names they do still have them. Different states different rules but things like no digits, 150 character limits, no symbols or obscenities. Our laws probably list things in a little more detail and go into specific names that people have tried but they cover the same things.

Seems like New Zealand is where all the whack jobs are though. Names like Anal, Sex Fruit, Chief Maximus, ".", III, Fish and chips (which would be pronounced Fush und Chups) and of course the wonderfully descriptive Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii.
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Sex fruit makes me wonder what mental problems the parents had.
You are a white person Chief Maximus will be offensive to the Indian people you ignorant so and so :P
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