Funny, but sad truth as well...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
That represents almost every gig I had with original bands (except for Prog Power of course). And that's partly why I've switched to playing with cover bands...

Now I play almost every Friday and Saturday a crowd of people that sing and dance with you. Would I rather be playing original material...yeah...but I actually make money playing now. :)
a few of us have been talking and debating about this for years. There are so many aspects of why certain shows people avoid and then some that are packed.

I think the first and foremost is seeing a great band with a terrible line up. It is an instant turn off. A poorly put together show will kill and show.

I also think to many younger bands rush into playing shows and then play a not so great set and that will stick with you and when ever they do will not want to see them play again. Many bands I have seen fall into this catagory.

I know that every show can't be a classic line up of great bands but if you are putting on a show...make sure the line up is consistant. In chicago we have Sabbt from Japan and Witchtrap from Columbia coming in the fall. Both line ups are perfectly full of bands that fit and are bands that don't play often so it makes the show special.

I am sure everyone has a different take on the situation of why people don't come out to shows.
It takes a while to gain a following and learn which gigs to book and where. This kind of thing sadly happens, but as a musician, I look at it as a learning experience. Now you know better than to book a gig on a Monday night in a Hard Time's Cafe.
The scene is just too small to support local bands on most nights, in most venues, with most line-ups.

I don't think it is too small...I think having shows run super late on weekdays is a huge turnoff for some. I wonder is places advertised that the show will say go from 7 till 10 PM. Even in the city here in Chicago we have weekday shows going till 1 or later sometimes and I have seen mass amounts of people leave for touring acts because of the time of night. (Cueing jason now to chime in about places wanting to stay open late to make money, which we know) You could still have the bar open late...there will be people who will stay after the show to hang out and drink.

There are just so many factors here to wonder why some shows are empty. Everyone will have their own theory on it.
It's a very sad thing. It happened when Cage came to Delaware a few years ago. I was the only person to show up for the show. I was like WTF. They insisted on playing even though I asked them not to for one person. Shows how professional they are. We all need to get out more often and support these bands or one day their will be no touring for the second and third tier bands.
My problem is just my location in relation to the venues. Normally, I'd go, but some places I'd rather take MARTA (which then becomes useless because they stop around 1am) so I don't have to deal with parking. And other places aren't accessible from MARTA and again, parking is atrocious. The weekday thing is another issue, but maybe I'm just turning into an old fuddy duddy.
When you're young enough to go to a show that runs till 2AM on a Wednesday you have no money. When you have the money to go to said show your ass has to be back at work at 8 the following day.

Life's a bitch.
also...lets face it...if is a good show you will be more enclined to go...a show that isnt the greatest line up or you are looking for something to do for the won't really be upset missing it. At the end of the day this is my deciding factor. I live in a city with great transportation so most city shows are easy to get to without driving. Now like last weekend I had to go to the burbs on a friday night to see Leatherwolf. Show got out at 1:30 am and it took me about 40 minutes to get home but them took 45 minutes to park in my area because it was super late and all the parking spaces are gone on the street. So this is my biggest delemia on shows where I have to drive.
I think there is a big misconception between having a "scene" support local music or "fans" supporting bands they like within a localized scene. Shitty bands will have no fans and blame it on a lack of a scene, but then a good local band will draw plenty of people within that same "crappy scene" at every one their shows. Good bands, bring fans. Blaming a scene for it's lack of support means the hard truth...maybe it's your band and material that isn't bringing people out.
It's sad but true. Especially for the genres those of us on this forum tend to listen to. I admit I haven't been to many shows lately (even though I really should) but the more I attend shows, the crowds are less and less. I don't know if it's a sign of the economy, or just people are content to listening to the crap on the radio?
Definitely me at a Widow gig sometime ago at volume 11. Thinking it was the first time I saw seven kingdoms too... East coast tour maybe? Been to too many bands and their friends gigs here on the local side.. Somewhere else tavern is a joke because of this and its right across a decent college. At the same time there are a crap load of meh bands in our city
I think there is a big misconception between having a "scene" support local music or "fans" supporting bands they like within a localized scene. Shitty bands will have no fans and blame it on a lack of a scene, but then a good local band will draw plenty of people within that same "crappy scene" at every one their shows. Good bands, bring fans. Blaming a scene for it's lack of support means the hard truth...maybe it's your band and material that isn't bringing people out.

Definitely me at a Widow gig sometime ago at volume 11. Thinking it was the first time I saw seven kingdoms too... East coast tour maybe? Been to too many bands and their friends gigs here on the local side.. Somewhere else tavern is a joke because of this and its right across a decent college. At the same time there are a crap load of meh bands in our city

Haha Wednesday night in 2011. Lets see if 2013 brings a change! Lol
I think there is a big misconception between having a "scene" support local music or "fans" supporting bands they like within a localized scene. Shitty bands will have no fans and blame it on a lack of a scene, but then a good local band will draw plenty of people within that same "crappy scene" at every one their shows. Good bands, bring fans. Blaming a scene for it's lack of support means the hard truth...maybe it's your band and material that isn't bringing people out.

Exactly. This cracks me up everytime. We have a bunch of bands in Chicago that will always draw. A great turnout for a local show. Then on the same note a LOT of bands who will play and no one comes out. Matt, you nailed it.
Good bands, bring fans. Blaming a scene for it's lack of support means the hard truth...maybe it's your band and material that isn't bringing people out.

It is true, but you also can't over-saturate your audience. Not too many people will go to see a band 3 times within the same month, let alone the same week.

Plus, some bands expect to have a huge fan-base after just a year (or less) of playing. It takes time to gain a fanbase, and you learn things along the way.