Funny Pictures

I found this to be hilarious
First time I saw it...I want an emo concubine, that type is amusing to me. When she starts bitching about nothing, I would not resist the urge to give her something to bitch about!! HAH
Fenrisúlfr;7733093 said:
First time I saw it...I want an emo concubine, that type is amusing to me. When she starts bitching about nothing, I would not resist the urge to give her something to bitch about!! HAH

Oh you have to love a man who calls his partner/shag buddy concubine. :lol:
So quaint. Makes me want to challenge you to a scrabble match. But that would make me a nerd too.
Oh you have to love a man who calls his partner/shag buddy concubine. :lol:
So quaint. Makes me want to challenge you to a scrabble match. But that would make me a nerd too.

I got really confused glancing over that post as I called my self 'concubine' on another forum while pretending to be a woman.