Funny Stuff?


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
What words just make you crack up? Hey don't be afraid to say them... I could easily do that whole milk-squirting-out-the-nose thing if I hear someone say FETUS. I don't know why!! It's just funny.

How about you guys?

My favorite word of all time, that I think I made up unless I'm forgetting...buttface. :loco: I say it all the time. But its funny when other people say it from being around me. I also laugh hysterically when my aunt says 44 in an irish (I think) accent when we play Yhatzee.
Far-ty far!! :tickled:
HAHAHAHA! I have heard "buttface." However, my friend says it as "Assface" instead. I think GG Allin wrote a song entitled that... I'm not sure. There's also some South Park thing in which the character Kenny has an assface.
When someone gets really pissed off and they assault someone with a completely harmless object. For instance, in Jerry Springer, a gay man once hit another gay man over the head with a boquet of flowers. Also, that scene in Super Troopers when the guy takes the cotton candy and hits the guy behind him with it. That shit will get me rolling to the point where I can't stop. :lol:
Also, my chinese/fijian friend does this face how he goes "GNNNNNNNNGNGNGNGGNGGNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"







Hey Dado, where did you get that stuff? It's great...
some things that make me laugh:

-the phrase "prison-rape-gay"
-"cornhole" as in, "I'm gonna cornhole you all night"
-the phrase "you'd better sleep on your back, or I will."
-the idea of how funny it would be to see a man walking down a street wearing shoes, socks, a hat, and nothing more. Just because he bothered to wear a hat and forgot about the rest.
-the film Orgazmo :lol:
Dado-X, that stuff is great. I lived in Japan for a long time, and have worked and associated with Japanese people for a long time, and have built up a pretty big file of funny "Engrish."

I've saved quite a few technical manuals and other literature from being sent to English-speaking countries warning people to "give heaviest care not to place a object on or near a teat register" (it was supposed to be "heat" register...) or with a "one hour" warranty instead of a "one year" warranty.

There was also a manual that said "If you cannot detect the defective part, replace the defective one." The problem with that was that it was an accurate translation of the Japanese original!

One manual that they neglected to have me check, and sent to thousands of customers in a number of countries, had a command abbreviated as:


It was scattered all through the manual.

They got a few complaints...

Anyway, the words that I think are funny words are:

Pummel (Say it out loud: PUMMEL. See?)
Weiner (Even funnier if it is "weinerdog.")
Bucket (Another one that you have to say aloud a bunch of times.)

The three things that I think are the funniest things in the world are:

The French (no offense to any French people here)

Sloths would be the fourth. Now if you combined sloths and wienerdogs, THAT would be the absolute funniest thing ever. "Weinersloths." Just imagine it!

Weinersloths speaking French and eating cheese would just kill me.

The words I hate are:

Special (It always sounds to prissy.)
Packet (Similar to "bucket" but gets ruined by not having the first consonant voiced.)
A breakfast (It has to have the "a" in front. "Breakfast" by itself is okay, but something like "There will be a breakfast for the faculty" does something bad to me.

"There will be a special breakfast for the faculty on Tuesday. Please remember to bring your packets."



Okay, I'm okay now.

I better just go to bed.
Like Satanic Rabbit said, it's hilarious when people whack eachother with objects. To me any object is funny, especially if it's of a harder material. Also the word 'gay' gets me rolling down the hill. Especially when it's incorporated with the word 'pink' on this board. :tickled:
HAHAH! good thread! What comes to mind for me is the things I laugh at when I am drunk. :tickled: My friends know I am not truly drunk until they can look at me and say something off the wall like "garbage can" and I bust out laughing, heh. So that's my word. :grin:
Yeah I lived in Japan for 3 years and the english translations you find on signs everywhere there used to crack me up.. just silly stuff like a sign for construction work.."men wroking a head"..and there was some sign asking people not to skate or ride in the mall there, but i can't remember how it was exactly translated into english, but i used to giggle everytime i drove past.