Who the fuck are you?Blackheim: The Young Turk
Btw.. Here are some nicknames I think some of you should from now on be known as:
PowerBlade: Epica
Animaltracks: TexMex
Vitorias123: Girl Without Face
SatanDevilDiablo: Captain Fucking Awesome
DarkGift: Legolas
TheBassPlayer: JewNazi
gt_jen: Crocodile Dundee
Hexwind: Hexgay
Belac: Captain Wiseass
Remnant_of_insanity: Smeegol
Morbides: 4-eyes
Vikk: Smartass Motherfucker
Blackheim: The Young Turk
At least he isn't calling you Simone, Powahblade. Wait why do I know her name? Fuck jew!!
^'cause you masturbate to her every night?