
one more to go for evil-antzor... and after this you have to get a new alias, so antzor and the 666 posts will always stay in our minds :-p
Joke from Kandahar:

An American, an Englishman and an Afghan are killed and end up in hell.
They work hard there, and Satan grants them a phone call each, to the world of the living.
The American runs to the phone and calls his mother, he´s on the phone for half an hour. When he´s done, Satan hands him a phone bill saying $1000!
When the Englishman hangs up the phone after one hour, he´s presented with a bill on £1000!
Then it´s the Afghan´s turn. He talks and talks for ages, and when he´s done after 2 hours, Satan charges him 7 afghani.
The American and the brit go ballistic and protest to this.
Satan finally calms them down, and says:

"It was a local call!"


paradoxile said:
every year?
on november 25th I'll see them a third time only in 2006

So would you please stop crying around??? I will also see them 3 times this year, but for the first, i had to travel to Israel, for the second, i had to go to Wacken (Which is the exact opposite side of germany) and for the third...surprise surprise, i'll have to go to Israel again. this made about 20 hours flying in airplanes and riding trains and busses just to see 3 shows.... (And i don't swim in money, me poor student!)
me poor student too...but the point is I won't travel around the world for a concert so I don't get to see bands I really like unless they come to Israel.
the WORST!!!! i repeat WORST cover i ever heard....

Watch at own risk: my ears are still bleeding.

watch Final countdown, and don't forget to wait for the solo.
someone should sue those guys for copyright violation for sucking so bad...
hey Daniela, did you see the Final countdown Distorted cover when they warmed up for OL?
now that was great
Indeed it was! Great one... i liked the whole distortion show. I wanted to fit that in somehow in my last answer, but i didn't seem right, to mix distorted and this grotty cover.
What makes the original The Final Countdown not funny? One of the cheesiest and most annoying songs ever. Not as gay as Rhopsody, but close.

I think I already posted a pic of Rob Darken. That nazi is surely one of the silliest guys in NSBM, maybe even the whole BM scene. I wish I could find the picture of him where he sits on a log with a baby and a toddler on his lap like he's a gr1m, gay, Michael Jackson wannabe Santa Claus.