Future shows in.... the UAE ??

hey y did u jump way far from israel how about a 90 mts away concert to orphaned land ( in beirut i mean ) ..it s a beautifull dream world peace ..and i ll keep dreaming :D
obay bringer of light said:
you sure don't want to get shot like DIMEBAG, ha

you know.....don't take it so hard......
I'm waiting to the day the Israelis will leave the Palestinian cities as well....
cause peace is the most important thing in this bloody area......

here, in this forum, we live in peace.....people from all over the world.....
I think this is the only place in the world, with reasonable people.....

we'll start here.....and the rest will follow......to a better world....
a fight !!! where ???
i dont see any fight arround ..and beside i respect every one so i have no problems if syria stood or left lebanon ... either ways am leavin this stupid country ...
and obay my friend in lebanon u can say what ever u want and do whatever u want no one hears you neither sees you :yuk: ...all theire care is to fill theire filthy accounts with dollars .. and plus there s this old word
[ li bayto min 2zez ma yermeh ghayro bi 7jara :loco: ]
beside it s a great honor to me to die on stage like dime ,but unfortunetly am a bass player ...and they never die on stage
we pray for peace ....... :Spin:

when I said [you sure don't want to get shot like DIMEBAG, ha]
I meant that you don't wanna one of the ol members to get shot, do you ?

RashomoN, live in a reality, you know how the world like
there is million example for fights in families, communites, soscieties .do you think that you can stop the war between two contries ??!!

dear Lanthwick tell me why will 60% form the leabaness will leave when syria get out ?? I will answer they will find no peace, plus we where one country tell France came and start breaking the country.

why U.S. wants Syria to get out from lebanon ??!! beacuase we are protecting the west side from our countrey by this, and keeping peace after civil war, but who wants peace in Lebanon ??!!

and Lanthwick, you can't imagine how much I love Lebanon, all the Syrian here love Lebanon, you just guys don't know cause we never met, Syria to Lebanon is like a letter to a word, the word is mean less with out it, it's like a part from someone's body he will hurt alot if you maim it, you don't know the people here we love our countries alot but we aren't in the position to express it.

Don't think about leaving your country, she will be the only mother that will take care of you? if you find that people there are hopeless then you give them hope, I can't believe that you said that you will leave it. :OMG:

and I did't get this [li bayto min 2zez ma yermeh ghayro bi 7jara], it's not the place for this qoute. :confused:

Folklore you get a good Arabic,where did you learn Arabic ? can you spell it well too ??

ok, we all want peace but we want it with justice for all sides. :wave:
civil war ,well i wasnt born yet ..but i know it was for fake reasons ..and still u know lebanese ppl love syrians ( the unification of destiny )...i dont want to get in political issues (useless headach) ... but lebanese people had more than their fair-share of shadows of gray and fake agreements...plus the refugies here and there .not easy at alll with all the lebanese immegrants outside ...it s a disturbant idea
my friend ,you and all the members here are so great ppl :worship: ,so i appologize if hurt you some way ..i didnt mean it ..and i say again ,i have prob with no person but one and thats to be Myself ..never to forget that we are all humans under one roof ,and borders but fake ,another political lie .

so living peace and rock :D :headbang:
Amen to that!> we are all humans.

I started reading a book on the history of the jewish people and that is also about ancient history of the whole region. I did this because of all the discussions that I read inhere. Coming from Europe, I have no idea of how the history is in the middle east and how you are brothers, but at the same time are not. I am now beginning to learn/ understand a bit about which people lived where and then moved to another country again- to return later. This stuff is very very complex. I can see how it is hard to resolve all of this, about where borders lie and stuff, even without the "almighty "dollar coming into the picture.
Still- we are as you said all people and I hope we can go on being like that towards one another overhere and set an example.

Yesterday I was at a concert in Arnhem and was talking to a couple who went to see Epica in Mexico. They were talking about the friendliness of everyone in the venue in Mexico city- even though they did not speak the language- they found a way to communicate and they wanted to for the simple fact that they all were fans of the same music and were rejoicing in seeing someone from a country half way around the world coming in to visit to see a concert ( and the country ofcourse) So I was telling them once again about my experiences in Turkey and how all different kinds of people went together really well. Sets you thinking how communication is possible, no matter how different you are, if you find a common interest or goal.

So, could someone explain a bit about Syria and Lebanon to me?It will help me in forming my opinion and create more understanding.

Well......Avi, we just didn't undersatnd clearly what "obay bringer of light" said.....

so "obay bringer of light": after explaining yourself.....I'm sorry I misunderstood you.....
actually, you are right......maybe i'm living in a world of dreams.....I'm trying to be optimistic as much as i can.......

We're living in a very diffecult area.......and HOPE is all we got (even when it is very far from reality).....
but.....you know.....there is a ray of light......
you just can't understand how i'm hounored to have the chance here to chat with neighbours like you (from Syria, Lebanon and so....).....

Nathalie.....I see this subject interesting as well......and unfortunately I don't know much about the history and background (I just don't believe history books.....cause I'm not sure I can trust the person who wrote each book).....
Morticia NL. said:
Amen to that!> we are all humans.

So, could someone explain a bit about Syria and Lebanon to me?It will help me in forming my opinoin and create more understanding.

good evening every one ( it s 9 :35 pm here )..and plus i yet arrived from my university ,that surely i hate it :loco:
it s so reliefing readin ur replies . so thank you all :D
as for you Nathalie ,ur history lesson will begin :loco: :
lebanon always bein an extension of syria ( or natural syria ) ..
but after ww1 & 2 and the inner war ,the situation got too critical and led to a fanatik war ,dividing lebanon in 2 .meanwhile syria was rising with her great leader ( r.i.p ) who tried to help lebanon by sendin troops to freez this hell here but some stupid and arrogant lebanese leaders didnt want that since it destroys all theire plans beside theire bank accounts ...and again the ppl was divided following wrong ideaz blinde by hate ..
lately ( 1990's) pple woke up on theire stupid mistakes ,and began rebuilding theire city ..but since jinx love us ...we ran into a financial problems .. and with everyone just talkin ( i mean the political sides wich most get direct orders from syria ..and the opposite sides too ) ppl lost theire faith in this new lebanon ..and raged against all political parts in lebanon and demand the freedom of lebanon ...wich created [1559] ... the unjust order of the UN..
this is the story ..i might missed smhtings ,for i left lebanon for 7 years ..
Lanthwick- thank you very much for taking the time to explain it a bit to me. I must get hold of more books and do some more reading to come to grips with this part of history.
I agree with Rashomon a bit when he says that he does not trust writers, but if you read various books on the same subject you can filter the information for yourself. No book or article is ever without any trace of personal opinion from the writer but it should not withold you to explore the subject and find your own truth.

I love the fact that I am able to converse with people from regions and countries I never thought I would come into contact with. Seeing you as individuals apart from your religion or geographic backgrounds has already helped me tremendously in reconsiddering parts of my beliefs and opinions that were biased even without me realising it being so.

Remember: books feed the mind and in some cases our hearts too.

Ahava to all of you,