Future US tours?

Prog Maiden

Mar 1, 2003
Wayne, PA
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Somebody had told me that CoB plans to return to the US in the spring/summer and I was just wondering if there is any truth to this? And additionally, will they be headlining here anytime soon? I for one would LOVE to see a headlining set, even if my neck will hurt afterwards from so much headbanging. ;)

The band said spring 2004, but when I asked if they were going to headline Alexi just kinda laughed...who knows who they will open for, let's just hope it's a main support slot at the very least. It could be anyone though, In Flames has a new album coming out then...but whoever it is I'm there.
Prog Maiden said:
Somebody had told me that CoB plans to return to the US in the spring/summer and I was just wondering if there is any truth to this? And additionally, will they be headlining here anytime soon? I for one would LOVE to see a headlining set, even if my neck will hurt afterwards from so much headbanging. ;)


Supposedly, Soilwork, CoB and Darkane are gonna tour in the spring/summer, which fucking rule considering CoB and Soilwork are two of my favorite bands.
WOW a co-headlining tour with Soilwork would be excelent. Last time I saw Soilwork with In Flames they got fucked over, the bassist for Chimara showed up late I guess so they had to go on before Chimara which was not supposed to happen and only played like 6 songs. If CoB does tour in 2004 that would be nuts seeing how Sinergy is supposed to record in 2004, fucking Alexi is a work-a-holic!
SpiritCrusherX said:
Supposedly, Soilwork, CoB and Darkane are gonna tour in the spring/summer, which fucking rule considering CoB and Soilwork are two of my favorite bands.

Wow! That would be great! I happen to love Soilwork too and I missed them on their last tour, so that would be perfect. Although let's hope they stay away from Figure Number Five and stick with Steelbath Suicide or Chainheart Machine or even Natural Born Chaos. I'd love to see Bodom play more than 6 songs.

I was with Soilwork when they first mentioned touring with COB. I said to Soilwork, "You guys need to tour with Darkane and DarkTranquillity". Then Speed said, "How about Darkane and Children Of Bodom", then I said "Fuck yeah!". They are really pushing to get Darkane on the tour. They said a tour with Darkane, COB, and DT is very possible. But most likely DT will not be there. Soilwork said they will be playing at least one song from Steelbath Suicide when they headline. The day after I was told all this info it was posted at www.smnnews.com. There was only one guy I didnt know on Soilworks bus so it must have been him that spread the info. Anyway, I can't wait for this tour!
Prog Maiden said:
Wow! That would be great! I happen to love Soilwork too and I missed them on their last tour, so that would be perfect. Although let's hope they stay away from Figure Number Five and stick with Steelbath Suicide or Chainheart Machine or even Natural Born Chaos. I'd love to see Bodom play more than 6 songs.


Believe me, if they headline, I have a feeling we'll get a good amount from TCM and APP. When I saw them with In Flames they did mostly FnF and NBC but that was also because Henry had just quit and they had a new guy come in at the last minute and he probably just learned all the easy stuff. They still kicked ass though.

But anyway, I believe they'll do a good amount because In Flames headlined that show and they gave us all the good stuff in addition to the expected new stuff. Simply put, they'll have more time so it's more likely that they'll diversify the setlist more.