Futures End Studio Update


Sep 12, 2008
Hello all!
Sitting here in the control room at Cheif Dog Studios in Northern California, listening to today's mixes of our record 'Memoirs of a Broken Man' and getting even more excited about the release and our appearance at the Progpower Showcase.
I wasnt in the studio when Steve DiGiorgio recorded his bass parts for the record, so everytime a new track is loaded up for mixing that I havent heard, what he has done just blows me away. The combination of Steve and Jon Allen (drums) is un believeable. Jon and Steve have been playing together for about 25 years in Sadus, Testament, and Dragonlord together.
Fred Marshall has recorded vocal tracks that prove that Zero Hour really missed out and we lucked out getting him into the band! WOW! His performances are amazing!
The guitar work that Marc Pattison and I have slaved over for 2 years on this thing may just suprise some people out there. I am very proud of what we have managed to do here. The whole team is something that I could have only dreamed of in terms of the incredible talent in this band. It is a great blessing to me to be working with such fine musicians.
Between us, we have manged to put together a record that I am hoping all of you will be talking about!
I have been back for 3 weeks from a European Tour with Circle II Circle, and am DYING to get back out there and play again. This time with my brothers in Futures End. We will be playing a couple of one off gigs before heading to Atlanta to kick some ass at the showcase. If there is anyone in the area here that wants to come check us out before the gig, let me know and I will be sure to get you all of the information. Or you can check the dates on the myspace page: www.myspace.com/futuresendband

We are soooo close to being done with this! We are alll soooo stoked to get it out to you! Lance tells me that you will be able to get the record before the street date (October) at the Nightmare table at Progpower.

See you all there!

Christian Wentz
Lead Cheese Grater
Futures End =)
I think I'm more psyched than you are Christian. At least you get to hear the work in progress :lol:

I'm hoping the next 3 months goes by quicker than the last 3 did :)

The worst part is that you guys only have the stage for 30 minutes :cry:
Haha! Well, it will be a kick ass 30 minutes. Steve laughed about it and said '30 minutes of work - 3 days to party'. He's right! We are going to have a great time. Will keep ya posted as to what is going on around here. Got the album cover art from this insane abstract painter that I hired. Whoa... It is pretty sinister and completely crazy. CD booklet is nearly done. We are in the home stretch! YEEEAHHH!