G O J I R A - Terra Incognita


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Gave this a good listen yesterday. You know what, I think I might like this more than "From Mars to Sirius"....

The riffing on this album is just tight as hell. Some of it is inhuman.

This band is on to something. :kickass:
From XM to Sirius sorta fell off my radar. I listened to it again after a few weeks break, it is pretty rad, but doesn't really have supArlasting appeal.

Then again, it does scratch a certain itch so it's not like I'm going to sell it.
Terror Incanegro is different to "From XM..." -- it's less fuzzy, less post-* ambience, and more aggressive, more death metal influenced. Look some of that staccato riffing is out of this world.

You can leave Mars to Sirius alone for a while and still reap from this one. If Isis is monolithic concrete, this is reaping stone.
Terror Incanegro is different to "From XM..." -- it's less fuzzy, less post-* ambience, and more aggressive, more death metal influenced.

oddly enough I feel it is completely the other way around ...

Well maybe....but...no

The production on Incognito is more polished, more technical sounding. As soon as the first chord is struck on From Mars, you can hear the fuzz. Or at least, it's rougher around the edges.
your ears are fucked up to the sound of music ... :loco:

From Mars ... is far more polished than previous ones ...