Galaxy setlist


Dead Member
Nov 13, 2002
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Another great performance! :D

Here's the setlist for those interested

1. Aces High
2. 2 Minutes to Midnight
3. The Trooper
4. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
5. The Prisoner
6. Children of the Damned
7. Phantom of the Opera
8. Wasted Years
9. Hallowed be Thy Name
10. The Number of the Beast
11. Run To The Hills
12. Iron Maiden
Wow! Great time tonight, kudos to all the bands! Good crowd energy too for a Sunday night!
The big stage allowed for a little more hijinks and running around... a 'hound from hell' even made an appearance and had some room to run. Thanks to Brucie for sharing the mic on a few songs with some of us lucky peeps in the front... that was cool!:)
Phantom of the Opera was SWEET!
Another great geetar giveaway... damn, I didn't win! But it wasn't for a lack of trying!:D Congrats to the dude.
Thanks Ladies!