Gallien Krueger bass amps

my bassist is looking at getting a new rig, and we have been thinking about gallien krueger stuff as the price seems pretty decent.

the plan would be to run a bass sansamp before anyway, its more about having something big and loud....

basically just curious if people have used them or if there is any alternatives you'd recommend instead.
700RB user here on tour and tons of local shows into an Ampeg 8x10...loud - clean - bass. That's all there is to it :) Good bang for your buck bass amps IMO.

Oh def man, we used a Big Muff for a couple of the shows, sounded great. The amp is clean as fuck, but can get a HUGE range of tones, especially using an OD or bass distortion in front. The 700 into the 8x10 was extremely loud and I never had to turn it up past 3.5/4 at one show where there was only a PA for the vocals. The 1001 won't be "too much", it will just be able to deliver in *any* situation. Look at it that way instead ;)


Haven't had a chance to try one, but for me it's hard to beat the classic Ampeg 8x10. Given GK's reputation on their heads I would say their cabs probably aren't bad either though.

What about Aguilar? I don't know what their UK prices are like but I know Egan on here seems to really like his!
Oh yeah! +1 to Marcus. I mean, the GK cabs aren't bad from what I have heard, just never tried one myself. Honestly, Egan would be the best person to chime in right about now, I'm sure he will have plenty of things to speak on and I would definitely take his word on pretty much anything bass related!

I think GK heads are basically as described by 006-- very solid and great bang for the buck. I actually recomended a 400rb at work for a budget backline rig. What I don't like is that many of their heads are built for weird bi- or tri-amp configurations that no one really wants. For example the 1001RB has 700watts low and 50 watts high. What that means in practice is that 99% of people are wasting the 50 watt channel. This is totally fine-- just a little silly. Still, I don't think you can beat the GK heads for value.

Honestly I'm not sure I've even seen one of the cabs in use before. I've definitely never played one. I know that GK has an 8x10 here for around $600 but I'm honestly skeptical you could get 8 good speakers for that amount of $-- let alone a whole cab. I don't know UK prices but for $1k in the US the ampeg fridge is hard to argue with. It pretty much defined the rock sound (and look) so if you can swing it I think you should.
All of the other major players -- SWR, Eden, and Aguilar run around $1500 stateside for an 8x10. The aggie is honestly the best cab I've ever played, but it is expensive and even heavier than the ampeg. It is also true that the aggie, swr, and eden all have more full range and less mid focused sounds than the ampeg, which I prefer but which is certainly different.
I could go on forever but hopefully this helps some. If you can find and play a GK cab and it sounds good then obviously you should ignore my speculation.
I've owned a pair of 80's GK cabs (4x10 + 1x15) and really loved the sound
The heads are indeed great bang for the bucks and IMO one of the best solid state bass amps around.
Recently bought an Aguilar DB810 and couldn't be more happy though. The cabs indeed don't have much mids by themselves but not much less than an Ampeg 8x10. Thet do indeed have a bit more low end (and probably with the tweater turned on also more high end but I'd always suggest to keep the tweater off if your going to drive your bass sound somewhat) but the low end is really A LOT tighter than Ampeg 810's. I usually roll the bass on my orange back a bit or keep it around 12 o'clock and have the mids pretty high, around 2 o'clock and that just kills with my '75 Fender precision:headbang: