Gamertags?! [XBox 360]


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Figured it'd be a good idea to create a thread where we can share all of our gamertags and get some good xbox games going on seeing as so many of our members play games :P

I'll start with mine, ShreddyM420

Anybody play MW2?
xbl gt: Like A Gazelle

Feel free to send me a friend request on xbl. If i'm online playing, I generally play CoD4 MW or MW2, Halo 3, Borderlands, or Halo:ODST
The True Salmon.

I pretty much only play Left 4 Dead live at this point but I have a tonne of games so chances are I can get down with something else.

And seeing as Christmas is just around the corner and I can't think of anything I want that's not guitar stuff, I dare say I'll have a few more titles.
Pisses me off that XB isn't free... XB is NOT the money maker for Microsoft, so it would be nice for them to differntiate themselves market wise like PS has done.

But... I digress...

Yes, but you get the most well integrated online service pretty much in history.

Even PC doesn't have one singular thing linking all games together in one place where you can do anything from any game.
X-fire comes pretty close though.
its like an

instant messenger, server browser, download manager for patches mods and add-ons, digital distribution platform, and a bunch of other shit all in one, its amazing.