Gamma Ray / Avian - Minnesota - May 12


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Hey Theocracy/power metal fans!

A very unique power metal concert pairing has occurred with two great bands! SwordLord (whom you may know from other forums here, especially ProgPower) booked Gamma Ray in MN on May 12. This is their first US tour. If it goes as well as many of the US power metal tours of late (which is not a huge turnout), it may be their last. This tour was scheduled to only do 8 shows, all on the East and West Coast. But Swordz convinced them to add a Minneapolis stop as the final show of the tour. So this is the only place for those of us in the middle of the country to see them!

Now, to spice up the mix, I just joined this show as the promoter/sponsor for Avian, featuring Lance King (Balance of Power, Pyramaze), Yan Leviathan and Jonah Wiengarten (Lilitu, Pyramaze). This will be their first EVER live performance! At the moment, this is the only confirmed live date for Avian, so don't miss it if you're into these guys!

Anyone interested in traveling to check it out? If so, contact me for tickets. Otherwise, I'll see some of you at ProgPower VII!!!

- SeaStorm

NP: Gamma Ray - Majestic
Well, as the promoter, Star Central is my first choice for this type of show, but Exodus was already booked there for that night. I'm not sure what other venues you had in mind. Station 4 works, as do The Rock and Star Central. If you're thinking anything bigger than those (Star Central holds over 1000), well, these bands don't draw enough for us to pay for those type of venues. Sad, but true.
I know where I'll be May 6th

GammaRay filming DVD
The Rays will film their Montreal Show on May 06th for a double DVD which is scheduled for a release in September. In addition to the concert which will be filmed with several cameras the DVD will contain lots of bonus stuff like a roadmovie (the band will be accompanied by a cameraman for the complete north American tour), a history part, behind the scenes footage, video clips etc. So if you're able to visit the show don't miss it because it's your chance to be on the next Gamma Ray release. More detailed information on the upcoming DVD release follows soon
Yeah, I'm jealous of those who get to go to the Montreal show! I'll have to settle for trying to get into the roadmovie:

"But we are also bringing a cameraman along for the entire tour to capture all of the back stage and pre-show aspects of the band. We are bringing it back to rock 'n' roll basics."
Boo...I wasn't able to attend the Montreal DVD show afterall.....or Dragonforce, but I heard through the grapevine that the GR show was there was little or no chance I would have been seen on camera.
Looking forward to buying it though
Boy, am I excited for this show tomorrow night! I am observing Avian's rehearsal as I type this and HOLY CRAP is this going to be awesome! Damn, I love Lance King's voice.

BTW, I've been forcing Yan from Avian and Jonah from Avian/Pyramaze to listen to Theocracy for the last few days. They hadn't heard the band, so I said "Well, since you're going to see them at ProgPower in Sept, you need to get to know them!" :D

Can't wait for Sept!!!!
Ok this was so forever ago, but I chatted with Yan about the show in Minn ~ he came down to Jaxx in VA with some friends for the Gamma Ray show and we hung out...

and Gamma Ray was freakin' awesome... LOVED them live and became an even bigger fan after that night... :headbang: