Gamma Ray the best


New Metal Member
Nov 20, 2002
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For me the best band was Gamma Ray.. i think they need more time to plays all good songs.. in the last one people don't want that they go. Is to great to see a Kai Hansen to play a guitar.. one of the best guitarist and compositor of the world.

EdGuy have a great performarce and the best show at the scenario, but music and songs of Gamma Ray was better , that is the diference.

Gamma Ray ruled! Kai Hansen can still hit the high notes too. The whole band was awesome, and I want to point out how damn impressive (and funny) Dan Zimmerman was - pure genius.

I'd love to see Freedom Call next year!
Gamma Ray is so great.. we travel (6 person) from Central America (Honduras) to USA to see this great group premise concert in USA (we can't believe to see father hansen playing).. and spend more that $700 each person for 4 days, but when we see them in a Party and drinking with them was amazing and one of the best moment on own life, and after at the scenario..

Gamma Ray RULES!!!! forever
I have to jump on here and agree with you all. Gamma Ray totally destroyed the place. The crowd seemed to be more into them than anyone else there except for possibly Edguy (who also completely kicked my ass). I had an awesome spot for Gamma Ray (at the railing between Kai and Dirk) and it SO payed off. Damn, but their set was awesome. I don't know why it seemed to be ok to close the curtain on Gamma Ray but not Blind Guardian, as both bands went over their time; perhaps Gamma Ray was over by more, but whatever. I don't really care that much, i was under it by the time the crowd around me had finished grabbing it and billowing it out.
anyhow, that was one of the best metal sets I've ever seen.

I couldn't agree more! I've never even HEARD of a set like that! I thought they'd be good, but they totally blew my mind. Perfect set list for me, perfect sound, perfect presence. I saw Helloween in '98, and they weren't even CLOSE to being that good.
Originally posted by tovarish

EdGuy have a great performarce and the best show at the scenario, but music and songs of Gamma Ray was better , that is the diference.

I love both Gamma Ray and Edguy and both performances kicked ass, to the point where I don't really know which one was better. And Hansen is Awesome, he is one of the founders of the genre; I respect him more then almost anyone else in metal. Without him and the original Helloween I don't think Edguy would be the same (if they would even exist). However I have to disagree with you; on a cd by cd basis, I'd prefer any Edguy cd to any Gamma Ray cd (with maybe the exception of No World Order because it is an awesome cd) sheerly because I think Tobias Sammet is a better and more consistant song writer (in Avantasia too). Edguy has never ever written a song that I didn't love. Gamma Ray, has whole cds that I don't care to listen too or only like one or 2 songs off of. Therefore, I prefer Edguy's music and song writing.

PS: I don't think scenario is the word you are looking for; I think you mean concert or festival.
For me Land Of the Free is the best album of Gamma Ray and one of the best of Power Metal .. And you can have opinion that EdGuy have better albums, but for me these are some repetitive in style and no have lead guitar and feeling that Gamma Ray have..
Gamma Ray was excellent, and Kai's voice was killer, but what was the deal with the drum solo? What a filler/waste of time. Taking nothing from Daniel, we already know that he was a superb drummer. Why take up the time when they could have played something else?
Yes.. we have this question too..
We suppose that there was some problem with the drum because constantly Daniel was replying something to his sound master and he entered to the scenario to fix that problem, we imagine that they use this drum solo to correct this error so was an event totally improvised.
It hurts that take a time and Gamma Ray no have time at the end. They need a last song to close with fastener of gold its presentation..............
Gamma Ray are confirmed for Wacken Open Air Festival 2003! The Skeletons In The Closet Tour 2002 is now history - thank you everybody for making all shows so special!

We need to go to hear the Kai and company ... like we see in Atlanta..
:rock: Land of the Free! my first Gamma Ray album. aaaaaahhhh, the memories. raise your hand if you plan on going to wacken just to see gamma ray and iced earth. ::grabs sky:: although 2002 was pretty awesome, i definitely won't miss it this time!
i think the drum solo was cosmic chaos wasn't it? it's a regular track off somwhere in space, you know. i just know they play it sometimes at shows, but i wasn't there, so peace!
No, this was a full-fledged drum solo ala metal bands of the '80s.

I, too got the sense they inserted it to fix some kind of problem.

Closing the curtain on Gamma goodness, I just remember turning to my friend, both of us staring at each other in disbelief. They were in the final seconds of their set anyway--it was inappropriate to say the least.

Oh well, of all the great, incredible things that happened at ProgPowerIII, I suppose at least one thing had to go wrong.

Gamma Ray destroyed that place. What a band.
