Garland amp, Ibanez BTB555MP Bass and real drums


Nov 19, 2005
It's a song from my ex-Band, I just wanted to use the drums amd retrack the guitars. A friend of mine did the bass and send me the DI. I'm pretty happy with how it came out but still, comments? :)
That sounds absolutely AMAZING...Wow...The sound is so huge and in your face...As is the bass and the drums are so powerful. Can you go into a little more detail on how you recorded the guitars? I've never worked with impulses before.
Thanks, guitars are 4 tracks, 2 of the vintage mode and 2 of the modern, both boosted by the integrated TS. I've used the signal coming from the preamp and added impulses. Post-processing includes mainly multiband compression and slight eq cuts.
yeah this sounds pretty sick overheads sound a little low and the hihat sounds a little too highpassed but other than that this is pretty solid
Yeah I didn't have a say on the mic placement at the time this was recorded, there was way too much hihat in the OH and all the cymbals were crappy, too. I actually used the drum mixdown I had done before and there are things I'd do differently now. I don't really like the snare (though it's blended with Andy's sample), it's pretty miserable compared to that in any of Andy's mixes.