Metalcore :) Keiffer Reamp,Garland Amp,Warwick bass,No samples


Nov 19, 2005
Edit: now with vocals and nearly finished
New Link!
Just recorded the bass guitar for this band and now trying to make a balanced mix. Any help would be appreciated, as well as general comments.
Guitars are quadtracked, 2 tracks Garland+Impulses and 2 tracks reamped by Keiffer (:notworthy) through a 5150. Bass is some Warwick (Streamer if I'm not mistaken) into Ampeg Svx. Drums are a Yamaha set, kick mic is a beta91 and that's pretty much all I know as I wasn't there when they recorded them. No samples are used at all.
Enjoy :)

Thanks :rock:
The beta91 does indeed have a very characteristic sound, thankfully it's a pretty usable sound. The kick is 22" BTW, which seems to help. I got an Audix D6 but it was after the drums were recorded, I would have made a comparison otherwise.
Sounds good man, I like the guitars a lot, though I feel they could use some more gain (most apparent on the single notes). The music is totally metalcore (cliche harmonies and all), so I can't say I'm digging that, but of course you had no say over that, so I dig the production, which is the aspect you did! I'm listening on headphones at work right now, but the snare sounds kinda cardboardy, like it needs some scoopage (and maybe some boosting in the "air" frequencies, though the cuts alone might take care of that). Also, I can't really hear any bass. But good job dude, overall!

Oh, and I really like the kick!
Cheers guys :)

I think the guitar sounds cleaner with that amount of gain but you have a point about the places where it's just one guitar playing, so I might consider reamping the Garland guitars.

The snare is probably the worst thing I had to deal with soundwise, it was 10 times as bad as it is now but the band really like it and I also I would like to have a decent record without samples. Still, a bit of a though choice, since it has so much hihat bleed I had to sacrificed its highs.

The other pain the ass is they most probably used crappy cymbals miced with MXLs. They are very unbalanced, the hi-hat is a lot louder than everything else and on top of that the stereo image is far from perfect - kick to one side and snare to the other. I had to automate the oh tracks so every time there's a hihat they go down 5-7 db :u-huh:

Should I turn up the bass guitar or just some frequencies then? The others, how do you feel about the bass?

As for the Warwick it's pretty nice, it has thick solid lowend (compared to other bass guitars I've recorded) but it seems its highs aren't as crisp (as say the Music Man I recorded). I could post a di comparison of a few bass guitars if you'd be interested.
Cheers guys :)

As for the Warwick it's pretty nice, it has thick solid lowend (compared to other bass guitars I've recorded) but it seems its highs aren't as crisp (as say the Music Man I recorded). I could post a di comparison of a few bass guitars if you'd be interested.

That would be cool. We could play "Guess the bass". :)
your mix is pretty kicking...

on the gain thing I have an initial tendency to go for a bit more gain also, but I really like this.

with that said, you did an excellent job of tracking the guitars and the DI's were in very good shape to begin with.
We recorded vocals and it's time to finish mixing this EP, so I'll need your help. I don't like the vocals so I might have mixed them too low or I might have made them too loud in my attempt to compensate :lol: It would be appreciated if you tell me what you think about the vocals levelwise, since this is quite important for the listeners. Any other comments are welcome, too. Cheers :kickass:

Download Mp3
esnips link

For info on the guitars you can check this thread
I've been mixing these songs at least 5 hours a day for the last couple of days and I really hope I'm going the right direction.

How does it sound to you? I want to finish this as I've got other stuff waiting for me.
