Bass DI Shootout


Nov 19, 2005
Here it is, as promised in this thread:

Warwick Streamer
Fender (Mexican)
Ibanez BTB555
Yamaha RBX374
MusicMan Sabre

Try to match them to the samples:
Bass 1
Bass 2
Bass 3
Bass 4
Bass 5

All of the samples are recorded direct into an audio interface. Have in mind ,however, that the sound varies a lot with different players, strings and pickups.
hmmm, my guesses:

bass 1 - Wick
Bass 2 - MM
bass 3 - Fender
bass 4 - Ibanez
bass 5 - Yamaha

I really have no clue, but I like bass 2 the best, and bass 3 sounds like most of the Fender style basses I hear around here. I'd be more interested to hear which ones were active p/ups, passive p/ups, or passive p/ups with on-board active preamps.
Not going to reveal them yet. As for the p/ups I believe all of them are standard for the respective model.
2x Bartolini MK1 / Vari-Mid III II 3-Band-EQ
for the Ibanez; The Warwick has
MEC 2 Band Active Electronics, MEC Large Pole Passive Humbuckers with Coil Switching(Series/Parallel/Single Coil)
There should be info about the other guitars as well. The MusicMan seems to be from the 70's/80's btw.
I really don't know...Our bass player owns MM's, Warwicks, ESP's, custom BC Rich's, Fenders, and I've tracked just about all of them save for Yammy's and I hear traces of tonal footprints, but it's hard to tell.

Most Warwicks I've heard have a pretty trademark sound (our bass player has a deal with Warwick but has since switched), but I don't hear it here like I have before. Also, the big Humbucker sized p/up of the MM's give it a distinct sound, depending on the electronics...But, I've heard the same p/up in custom ESP's and BC Riches of our bass player and they sound similar.

The only one that REALLY sounds like what I've seen and heard is Bass 3...It sounds like a MIM Fender bass to the bone. But, any passive, cheap bass could sound that way, haha.
Well, actually, the only thing you got wrong is the Warwick and the Ibanez. Well done, you know your stuff! :rock:

How about a personal Top 5 now?

The MusicMan is a beast or as a friend said, its sound is poetry. Next is the Ibanez, then the Warwick, closely followed by the Yamaha and finally the Fender, which I don't like at all.