Sucky direct bass sounds shootout


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
I think my bass sounds :puke: direct, I've tried every combo of the gear I've got today and I'm still not that happy. So I'm sharing the clips to get some opinions. tone tests.rar

16 clips, Pro Tools session or 24 bit wavs. No processing, all are roughly the same level, compress or normalize if you want, feel free to share a processed version.

Bass is Ibanez SR500, interface is Profire 2626

Shooting out:
Profire Hi-Z input
Behringer V-tone Bass (XLR out)
Sansamp Programmable bass driver DI (XLR out)
Rodam DI (XLR out) (this is like a whirlwind active)
Boss pedal bypassed (buffered circuit) into Hi-Z
Roland Space Echo direct out into Hi-Z, Just for fun.

Various settings and EQ flat or Full on the bass. Most of these don't have enough headroom to handle the EQ on full

Trying to figure out if it's the bass or other gear that's giving me the blahs.

Going for a good clean tone here, I'll move onto processing later.

What do you think?
I think the real problem is either the bass or the strings or a bit of both. It sounds dead.
You might want to check the RNLA thread. There's a tiny clip of my Ibanez BTB475 (elixir,neck pu, eq flat, 2626 hi z input because I was to lazy to grab my countryman). Not too shabby I think.
Hey man, I recommend you fork over 100$ at and buy the J bass. It sounds great. Here are some clips if you want an idea of how it sounds. These were done with passive pickups, into a passive DI (whirlwind), into the Firepod 26x26, coming out of a passive reamp.

This clip is straight DI, both pickups activated.

This clip is reamped to my shitty Peavey Express 112 for grind, LP at 150 and heavily compressed DI, HP at 150 and left untouched after that for the reamp signal

It's a GREAT bass, and completely worth the money.
I think the real problem is either the bass or the strings or a bit of both. It sounds dead.
You might want to check the RNLA thread. There's a tiny clip of my Ibanez BTB475 (elixir,neck pu, eq flat, 2626 hi z input because I was to lazy to grab my countryman). Not too shabby I think.

I should have gotten the BTB instead, I think I went with the SR because of the narrower neck, but the BTB has so much more growl and character. I think the color of the one at the store was orange too, so that probably was a big influence on not getting it.

PS, Elixir strings are $$ :(
The ones you just mentioned I think. They came with the bass, and are already almost 2 months old. So I'm sure a string change will only make it better.
What kind of tone are you going for? any refence? are you using old strings? in what tuning are you playing? do you usually play with a pick?

If you can't get a tone you like out of this bass, I doubt you will with the SX
What kind of tone are you going for? any refence? are you using old strings? in what tuning are you playing? do you usually play with a pick?

If you can't get a tone you like out of this bass, I doubt you will with the SX

It could be the strings, but I don't play that often so they shouldn't be that dead yet.

Tunings range from standard to drop C. Finger/pick/slap as required.

Going for a solid rock tone, what llana got in that first clip is an incredible difference from what I've heard from my bass ever. On the edge of too bright, mine can't do a bright grindy sound at all.

I'm going to dig up another clip of those SX basses I heard lately
You should give stainless steel strings a try dude, they make a huge difference in terms of bite and attack!
The brightness is coming from the wood. The Rondo J is all alder, as compared to your mahogany guitar, which will definitely give a smoother warmer sound.

Metaltastic: I honestly don't think the strings will make a huge difference, I'm pretty sure the bass tonewood is stopping him from getting the sound he's looking for.
The brightness is coming from the wood. The Rondo J is all alder, as compared to your mahogany guitar, which will definitely give a smoother warmer sound.

Metaltastic: I honestly don't think the strings will make a huge difference, I'm pretty sure the bass tonewood is stopping him from getting the sound he's looking for.

Don't be so sure, and certainly better to try before buying a whole new bass! ;) And D'addario Pro Steels all the way here
From my buddy Brandon
This is one of those SX basses from Rondo Music. You can see my review of it here: Rondo Music SX Basses Rule!
It was recorded through a Sansamp > Martech MSS-10. I intentionally told the bass player to beat the hell out of it. I wanted all that attack and junk. It's better to have all that stuff going in and knock it off if there's too much. I like nasty bass sounds for metal, though. render 001.wav

So this has a bit of processing on it, but I've got a sansamp too, and it craps out on input, with the EQ boosting on the bass it distorts and without you don't get enough gain.