My own custom amp is finally completed!! No more SolidState/SoftwareSim crap for me

s34nsm411, you can see the "cab" hooked up as a load on the first picture. It's this monster Warning! May damage you eyes! :lol:

GuitarGodgt, yeah it's a TS and it probably doesn't take too much space. I think it has a true bypass, too.

GuitarHack, thanks! And once again - thanks for the impulses! :worship:

I thought about maybe cutting away some of the front and having a metal plate so I could install it behind the front cover (the beehive looking mesh) and have the pots sticking out but I decided it was kind of a lot of work.

I dunno maybe I will get creative and try it at some point.
The circuit itself can be made RIDICULOUSLY small. A lot of that shit is switching, and you don't need that if you're going to have it done with either a footswitch or a front-face switch. You don't need to cram a whole box in there, just have the basic circuit (which you can find here and there, or PM me for) and a switch on the amp face and it'll take very little room if you do it right.

The circuit itself can be made RIDICULOUSLY small. A lot of that shit is switching, and you don't need that if you're going to have it done with either a footswitch or a front-face switch. You don't need to cram a whole box in there, just have the basic circuit (which you can find here and there, or PM me for) and a switch on the amp face and it'll take very little room if you do it right.


Your right I know I just have to put the pcp somewhere and that is small. The more I think about it the more do able it sounds. I would just buy the BYC one and scrap the box. I would have to figure out how to get power to it.

Hmm it may just be to much for my newb mind.

Jeff how would you do it? The power is the only thing I can't seem to figure out in my head. Battery compartment?
Your right I know I just have to put the pcp somewhere and that is small. The more I think about it the more do able it sounds. I would just buy the BYC one and scrap the box. I would have to figure out how to get power to it.

Hmm it may just be to much for my newb mind.

Jeff how would you do it? The power is the only thing I can't seem to figure out in my head. Battery compartment?

Gotta start figuring this stuff out sometime, everyone else goes through it and I haven't met a single person who found it impossible. First, I'd just find a TS-type online and tweak it as necessary, rather than buy a box and throw out half of it. Sites like have things that are just what you need, and you could even perfboard it if you didn't want to do the PCB by hand or order one from them. For the power, I would see if there's an easy way to just pull 9V from the amp's power supply (that's the one thing you'd want to check with an amp tech) and use a transformer between that and the box for the power supply, or carve out a battery compartment either on the front (if you kill batteries every two days) or mount it on the back (if you're normal) - you'll be running a bit of wire there and back, but it can just be tied/stapled/taped to the side as you won't be accessing it much.

Yeah but where would I mount the pots?

For the pots, again you could drill holes in the front or just get a panel on the back. Hell, if you're really lazy you could just mount pots right on the back grill and run wires through the grill to a battery compartment duct-taped to the back, but that's a little too simple for my tastes. The hardest part will be figuring out where you'd rather have the controls, and then working through it from there. Personally, I'd want less clutter on the front and I hardly change my TS settings, so I'd just leave it all in the back, but I'm not sure whether you want to be cutting chunks out of the grill.
