Garland+Framus Dragon cab. Can I finally do away with Impulses?

The raw guitars are definitely boxy, and I think you've made a really good job on the eq, although there is still something not 100% right on the low mids, probably dued to the source tracks.
I think I'll take this still-not-perfect sound over an impulse response, anyway...

Good work
It's actually not bad man, the newest one is definitely the best. I'd try using a dual mic technique to balance out the treble/graininess obtained from the center of the cone.
Yeah, I know it's not that bad but I don't want to settle for "not bad", you know :) I'll be doing some experiments soon and I'll post them up if there's an improvement.
I think the first one was the best. It fits the music so well, but it's kinda boomy. The second "new" one has some REALLY annoying frequenzy boost or something. It's singing.
I actually modded my cab (no, not the Fricker Screw Mod :p ) and I think it's definitely better now. More details and clips to follow soon.
And here are some interesting results:

These are the raw guitars I already posted
original raw guitars
After the mod, using the same mic position and settings the result was noticeably less boxy but still not very good:
raw guitars after the mod
Thankfully it seems to have made quite a difference on the other speakers in the cab and this is the best raw clip so far:
raw guitars after mod, different speaker

and with some eq I ended up with this mix:
New Mix
Yeah, I guess I can't expect miracles from that cab. The plywood is reaaally thin. I'll see if I can have someone build me a nice big solid cab to put the Framus' V30s in.