Hardcore mix, Framus Cobra, OD-820


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
What do you think of this ?

The band himself recorded everything, I reamped the guitars with a Framus Cobra+OD-820+Mesa oversized cab. One take per side, SM57 into Vintech pre.

Snare and kick are totally replaced, and I used the mono room mic I asked them to record to get some natural ambience.
Bass is only a treated DI (camelcrusher etc...), I think it still can be improved.

No toms, no vocals yet.

I only used the MH Channelstrip EQ/compressor on everything.
Sounds good :)

OHs sound a bit too mono, IMO and the snare is a bit robotic. I like the guitars but I'm not a fan of the one take per side approach.
Sounds great to me. Man, I totally know what you mean now when you say the Neve style pres sound "creamy" or "smooth." Great tone! I like the snare actually. It doesn't sound robotic to me.
