New Gibson+OD-820+5150 tone, my best one


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Here it is.

It's my second band named Kwato. Drums are programmed and there's no bass yet (we have to record it this weekend). We plan to record two songs with real drums soon, so this is only a "preview".

Chain was Gibson SG Standard with passive Gibson pickups into Maxon OD-820 into my 5150 (with the famous SED "Winged C" power tubes) into Bogner Uberkab. I had the 57 in front of the V30, going into Vintech X81 pre into Lavry AD10 converter.

OD-820 settings :
Drive : 9 o'clock
Tone : 11 o'clock
Balance : 12 o'clock

5150 settings (lead channel) :
Pre gain : 5,5
Bass : 7
Mids : 2
Treble : 4,5
Post gain : 2,5
Resonance & Presence @ 7

I think this is my best tone so far. Just a touch of EQ and C3 multiband comp in the low mids. I think I made some room for the bass.
I really enjoy it, quite midrangey but in a musical way, sounds modern. It lacks depth a bit but we plan to quadtrack the guitars for the real recording, using 5150 and a Framus Cobra.
Sounds great here on the crappy computer speakers at work Sly! I'll try to report back when I arrive home tonight. I think you get some of the best 5150 tone on this forum dude.

This sounds awesome man. The tone is great and the riffs really work well with it.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but does anyone else feel like the mix maybe very SLIGHTLY leans to the left? In the intro riffs it just seems like something in the left speaker is cutting through a little more...I'm not sure if it's because of the hi-hat or if you did something different EQ-wise on the left side.

Either way it's only a small issue and I am not even sure if I'm right. Good stuff man! :)

EDIT: Upon more listening I think it might just be how the hi-hat is panned.
Thanks ! I dunno how impulses work at all but it would be a pleasure to learn that.

Yeah definitely lots of mids in this tone, Gibson SGs are midrangey/musical guitars, I'll try to get something a bit more scooped next time