Garritan Instant Orchestra - Awesome.


Jan 14, 2011
See that link:
As I own Garritan Pro 4, I have to say this looks and sounds amazing.
I mean, I am not a professional composer, though I can read notes and know basic theory I do what feels good on the piano. This seems to be an awesome tool to focus everything that feels great.

Would do you think? I mean those mellow string sections, and those awesome brass sections sound great.
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That sample at 1:37...fucking beautiful.

This looks really easy to use with great sounds from the get-go, which is very important to me in this kind of software, since it's very easy to get lost in the dreaded "creating THE sound" loop. Anything that prevents my obsession from kicking in is welcome.
this is one of those products that are kinda awesome but you still kinda hope they didn't exist - it's the ezmix of scoring.

for using in metal productions to give that orchestral feel this product could be perfect, but for now i want to try and arrange my own orchestral stuff, if even only to learn something.
I prefer Miroslav Philharmoniks (most perfer EW Orchestra) But this sounds good too. Most Orchestra plugins sound similar... Unless you're using Veinna Orchestra.
I always like to blend my orchestral plugins together.
this is one of those products that are kinda awesome but you still kinda hope they didn't exist - it's the ezmix of scoring.

for using in metal productions to give that orchestral feel this product could be perfect, but for now i want to try and arrange my own orchestral stuff, if even only to learn something.

I really see your point, it was the first coming to my mind when I found out about Instant Orchestra. And yeah... its seducing...I ve been so frustrated lately with my scoring attempts so well... haha :p