Gates of Winter- Lux Aeterna


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
This is not only one of the best albums I have heard in the past year, but in the past few years.

I absolutely love this stuff.

It's a fantastic blend of two distinct styles:

1. The DT/SX/"true prog" fans will love the musicianship. It has the balls & chunk riffing along with some nice shredding. The interludes are nice and long with all sorts of time/tempo changes. The keys vary from the DT style that's in your face to the dreamy SX vibe from their earlier discs. Hell, there is even a bit of the Iron Maiden gallop during some of the soloing.

2. The dark Opeth/Amorphis atmopshere complete with acoustic bits, doomy keyboards, intertwined growls & a few female/choir type moments as well. The symphonic elements are well done as well.

The vocals are in the school of lower Barlow/clean Mikael with a bit of the rasp. You can really hear the passion in the delivery. I'm not saying that he is on par with either of the vocalists I mentioned, but that gives you an idea of what to expect instead of the higher octave type guys.

I urge you to go to their website and listen to the player in their media section. The specific songs there are a nice representation of the disc (specifically Kingdom II & Winter Flight).

Take a bow gentlemen. You've earned it.

Special thanks to zekeyou for the hook up.
Haven't heard this yet, but from their M-A page, I found that they're from Canada. Canada has an AWESOME metal many quality bands from that country.
Okay I am sold, these guys are pretty damn good. Hmmmmmm do I see a prog Power appearance in their future??? I would hope so.
I prefer early Tristania/Serenia. Maybe they aren't of the same breed. But something about this band made me think of those other two bands.

I also prefer(ed) Arcturus. Another one I can draw some similarities with. Or Bal-Sagoth even. Not saying these bands sound just like them.
Foremost thank you Harvester for posting this and for your kind comments on our album/band. Pretty much to a T you nailed our influences so good ear lol.
Also many thanks to those who have been ordering it and giving the songs a fair listen. For those who found it bland or uninteresting - we're already hard at work on writing our second album so perhaps that may grab you. And I can certainly understand why certain elements may not grab you which is totally cool. \m/

As for ProgPower USA - playing that would be a dream :)

Feel free to visit our domain or swing over to our UM forum

Thanks guys!!
-Steve (bassist/manager)
On relistens, I think I'd enjoy this more if the quiter moments were more... quiet. See Opeth production as an example. Everything seems so bright on this album which just takes away from it for me. I prefer dynamics for music like this (and in general, though some bands are better sounding when they are really bright.. sorta).
We all certainly agree in alot of the production values of the recording. We live in a small town with 1 decent recording place - so we were limited with what we could do. Our next disc.. after learning a few things in the studio - we hope to recreate a more diversified dynamic palette on the album. The guitars more crunching/better tones, our keyboard player is buying a sweet new roland head to improve his sounds and overall production tweaks will be present.

And Harvester can you foward me your email please?