GATES OF WINTER - release 2 tracks

Way to go guys!!! :kickass:

I just finally got a chance to listen to your tracks and I am REALLY impressed with you guys! You are the best, most proffesional sounding metal band to ever come out of Sault Ste. Marie, On, hands down! Your vocalist is awesome and smooth (sounds to me like the new Amorphis vocalist, and I love Amorphis!), the songwritting and arrangements are great, drums are solid, the keys soar, the solos are pro! I can hardly believe you guys did this, I think it's that good!

You have my total support and endorsement! I hope you guys go HUGE!

Congrats on all your hard work! It will totally pay off for you!

man thanks dave for the words
really - from the man behind WoY.. thats an honour to hear

i cannot wait to play with QV again :)
Looks like they recently parted ways with their drummer, but as of about 3 weeks ago they were nearing the end of recording and will soon be setting a release date....
the drums have been recorded since May
it is everything else that has been taking time. in fact all tracking was completed as of 2 hours ago