

May 19, 2008
Does anyone use them on drums anymore? I am going after a more retro drum sound (early 80's feel) I have a well played/recorded drum track, should I use gates on everything or should I just automate out the junk?
When working with real drums in dense/busy arrangements gates are a necessity in my opinion.
I'd go insane without a gate on my toms. Dat ring.

depending on the band obviously, I'll address the tom ringing as much as possible at tracking. you can do a surprising amount with tuning/placement/damping to control it. usually the resonant heads with kick that need most attention. you can usually get it to the point where any ringing compliments the overall sound of the kit.

tightening up those kit resonances can really do wonders to the overall sound of the kit.
Last time I mixed a good sounding snare I used a sidechain gate triggered by the snaresamples, was still a bit messy on one certain spot in the song where it was allot of hihat, but otherwise then that it works very well.

For toms I always automate, like pusing up the tom channels 6-8db on that certain passage.

And about the "ring".. sustain is crucial to get a good snare and tom sound. Ofc you shouldn't get all St. Anger with it but a nice medium ring makes them pop in the mix and creates depth.
I like to use gates over manually chopping out silence. The trick is to not max out the range to get complete silence, but set it to attenuate 15-20 dB. It keeps the sound a little more natural. Of course there are times that a manual chop will be necessary; sometimes a really low snare hit will pass the threshold in the tom tracks and will sound all sorts of bad.
depending on the band obviously, I'll address the tom ringing as much as possible at tracking. you can do a surprising amount with tuning/placement/damping to control it. usually the resonant heads with kick that need most attention. you can usually get it to the point where any ringing compliments the overall sound of the kit.

tightening up those kit resonances can really do wonders to the overall sound of the kit.

True, and when EZDrummer lets me do this I'll be quite a happy camper. :)