Gateway or Dell?

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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Gonna buy a new computer very soon. Gonna pick one of these two most likely. I'd like to build my own but I dont feel like taking the time to bother with it really.

Any suggestions?? Any user testimonials?
once gateway started mass produceing they havent been able to match the personalised service that made them successful to begin with, but theyd still be my 1st choice.

dell has the highest rateing for customer satisfaction at the moment but it's only because of their irritateing commercials-if you sell more computers to 1st time buyers than anyone else all those people are going to say the only computer they ever had is the best one they ever had.

only drawback is you might be able to get the same stuff in a dell for less price.
macs really are better than pc's, but yer still majorly limited on software no matter how much mac addicts say it's not true any more.

imo the best thing to do instead of thinking of brands is decideding pretty much what you want as far as hardware and capabilitys then start looking at specs for different brands and see what does best for cheapest.

alot of people say only go for major brands cuz of shoddy workmanship-i think thats all a bunch of crap! most all the shit is mass produced in tawain so it's stupid to pay alot of extra money for a name for something that does the exact same thing. any time ive done upgrades or needed something new ive gone to fries and checked specs and im not talking about saveing a couple bucks-the name brands average about 10 times more for something that works exactly the same as the cheap shit.
I've got an HP. Haven't had any problems yet. Macs are nice, but they are expensive and also have limited software as was stated earlier. Betweenn Gateway and Dell though, I don't know. They're pretty much the same machine. I'd go for whatever is cheaper.
With the exception of my first machine, all my computers have been built in-store. And I've saved shitloads!

Check out your local indie computer store (ie, not a chain) and see what deals they have.

You can save even more if you keep your current monitor, mouse, and keyboard and just get a new box.
Iced In Flames said:
Gonna buy a new computer very soon. Gonna pick one of these two most likely. I'd like to build my own but I dont feel like taking the time to bother with it really.

Took me about 2 hours only to building mine from scratch
I would also say a Dell. That is what we use at work also. I think Gateway used to Good but I have heard some negative things latley about them.
Gateway is willing to cut off their own heads to increase market share (they are now commonly selling items at a loss just to try and compete with Dell) so I wouldn't necessarily bank on them being around in the same market for that much longer.

I'd go with what Mark says---go with an independent company. 1. You know exactly what components are going into it. 2. You don't have to deal with el-crappo support.
Rainking said:
How do you figure?

Incidentally I would choose Dell.

wozniak and jobs invented the home computer and it was a new product that was well designed to be easy to use. bill gates was their flunky that ibm hired because for the 1st time they had competion in computer manufactureing. gates was trying to make a machine for ibm like the apple, but he didnt design it so he didnt do as good a job. apples dont have a fraction of the issues pc's do-like the configuration problems you get with new hardware on a pc-not only is everything the same as plug and play on a mac, since the hardware is made only for a mac usually you literaly only have to plug something in to start useing it-not install software, plug in device, check for resource conflicts...
also apples have allways been run from the gui-not the command line like with dos then you put windows and it's gui over the top of it-so you dont have the problems with crosslinked files or kernel errors or any of the blue screen of death crap.

theres tons of reasons, but if you want an easy one, no top of the line pc has had near the processing power or speed of a top of the line power mac at the same time. theyre far superior machines and pc's dont compare, but the limted software and available hardware for them could be major problems if yer planning on useing them long term.
theres tons of reasons, but if you want an easy one, no top of the line pc has had near the processing power or speed of a top of the line power mac at the same time. theyre far superior machines and pc's dont compare

Oh you swallowed that one did you?

Check this:

You'll note that the Apple is considerably slower than both the top of the line Pentium and Athlon in every single test apart from 1. These are all very relevent tests like Photoshop, Bryce etc - lots of graphics design packages that are supposed to be the forte of a Mac.

Before you scream G5 (which ironically the CPU is made by IBM), check these:

Not only did Apple cheat in their benchmarks to show the G5 as faster, but the G5 gets absolutely raped by the P4, Athlon, Xeon and Opteron in fair tests.

As for the Mac OS not being built on top of a command line OS, that's untrue aswell since OSX is based on a Unix kernel, which is very much a command line OS with a GUI over the top. In fact it ain't all that user friendly at all compared to Windows XP, but it is considerably more reliable than both Windows and the old Mac OS.
Rainking said:
Oh you swallowed that one did you?

Check this:

You'll note that the Apple is considerably slower than both the top of the line Pentium and Athlon in every single test apart from 1. These are all very relevent tests like Photoshop, Bryce etc - lots of graphics design packages that are supposed to be the forte of a Mac.

Before you scream G5 (which ironically the CPU is made by IBM), check these:

Not only did Apple cheat in their benchmarks to show the G5 as faster, but the G5 gets absolutely raped by the P4, Athlon, Xeon and Opteron in fair tests.

As for the Mac OS not being built on top of a command line OS, that's untrue aswell since OSX is based on a Unix kernel, which is very much a command line OS with a GUI over the top. In fact it ain't all that user friendly at all compared to Windows XP, but it is considerably more reliable than both Windows and the old Mac OS.

sounds like you bought it. first off, if you think this is the 1st time there has been any question about manufacturer benchmarks yer cracked, which is why every pc magazine out there does there own benchmarking articles.
then, some of the complaints are just stupid. disableing hyperthreading on a single processor machine running one task is going to increase its proformence not decrease it. then on the links you posted that did their own benchmarks against the g4 they say they did it with dual 1.4's but in their own specs they only say 1!
blablabla that crap was all from before the g5 was released publicly, if theyre spouting all this false information why isnt dell and intell and amd and everyone theyre lieing about sueing or doing anything about all their advertiseing saying the g5 is faster??? like they wouldnt jump at the chance to sue the competition if they had a legitmate complaint, but since 3 different operating systems were used some of the crap couldnt use the same bencmarking techiques.

whether it's the original benchmarks from apple or the places you linked to, none of those are 3rd parties-they all have stakes in makeing it look good or bad. you should try doing another google search for NASA's g5 benchmarks and you will see on their tests with a single cpu g5 it averaged 20%-30% better than the p4 in all their tests...