Another "help me buy a new guitar" thread...


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I've grown very, very weary of my ol' crappy Yamaha ERG121 and I feel it is soon time to get something better. I want a nice guitar around $500 or so perhaps, preferably with a fixed bridge as a tremolo bridge would only mean trouble to me, I'd almost certainly never use it. Any suggestions appreciated.
Ok , here we go yet again... As you have that yamaha I assume you want another double cutaway style guitar...? So go for Kramer Barretta. YOu should get a bit of change from $500 but they are as good as $500 guitars. Or there's Ibanez, Washburn, Jackson, and the Epiphone Goth range is decent, maybe with new pickups that you get with the change. Kramer -> you can only buy them online.
Hey, thanks all, I don't like the body shape of the Warlock or pretty much any other B.C. Rich, so those are pretty much out of the picture ;)

Right now I'm looking at the Ibanez RG421 which seems totally perfect for what I'm looking for, i.e. a nice RG model without trem... However, I will look into Washburn and some other stuff... Anyway, anyone have any comments as far as the RG421 goes?
I know absolutely nothing about Schecter guitars, but.....In the new Musician's Friend catalog they have a MF 20th anniversary Schecter C-1 model that is neck through with a sculpted mahogany body, comes with a Duncan Distortion in the bridge and a Duncan '59 in the neck. It's string through, so no trem and comes in Titanium Silver with black chrome hardware. Interestingly enough, they only made 100 of them and each one is numbered on the 24th fret. Cost:$499.99.
Again, I don't know anything about Schecter's, but it SOUNDS (& looks) like a decent axe. Being numbered and one of only 100, may make it collectable too....maybe....
iv played my friends Low end schecter and it sounded and played very good but its durability wasnt very good but great for the money. I have an ibanez Rg and they sounds and play like a dream so i would strongly recommend one.
I know you don't want a crazy BC Rich, but...
Do you like the Flying V body style?
It doesn't get more metal (or double-cutaway) that that! Total access to all 24 frets.

Gibson is putting out those cheaper "ghetto finish" versions of their more expensive guitars, with the flat red paint/no clear coat. The rest of the guitar is pretty much stock Gibson and damn good for the money. Invest another $60 on an even better bridge pickup and you've got an inexpensive, high quality rig with a fixed bridge, access to the higher frets, and a balanced shape.
it's all right Spod2508 :).
Don't get a BC Rich. Yes that Schecter is very good. Better than the Ibanez. Ibanezez just arn't metal enough any more, and just still havn't got any of the panache and style of Gibson, or even, dare I say it, fender. Ok, so you've got Korn using Ibanez - but they are NOT metal, and some crappy 80's bands, and that's it. you could have a look at ESP - most of their models come with a fixed bridge version I think.
ESP H-202, I believe it has a fixed bridge (retail $499)


And the ESP EX-50 (retail $329)

My good God, whatever you do, do not buy an EX-50. MacGyver could build a better guitar than that. The 50 model is absolutely disgusting. If you're going to be an EX model. Spend the extra 90 bucks and buy the EX-351. Still fixed bridge but an infinitely better guitar than the 50. And if you've another 140 bucks lying around, you could get the 351D which has the aluminium plate on the front (but personally I don't like it).

I can highly recommend the 350 model but that comes with a tremolo and I don't think ESP are making them anymore.
yes, have to agree about not getting the LOW end ESP's, cos you have to watch out that they're made from the crappy wood Agathis. The mahogany ones with EMG's are prolly good though.