gay orchid background.

Glad you guys like. I posted this along with another background I'd made on the board a while ago but nobody seemed to care :lol: . I guess things change.

I started a new one a few months ago btw, it had a really nice D&D kinda theme, I liked the idea, but I could never kinda 'complete' it, it was always half assed. It basically consisted of looking down a long path with trees and autumn leaves on the pavement (black and white) and with a huge opeth 'O' in the center, with everything in the center of the 'O' all morphed, distorted and inverted. But yeah, as I said, never could complete it.

In the meantime, here's the other one I did (before the one I posted up there, mind you). I know it's not as good, but whatever:


EDIT: Geocities won't let me link, so just manually paste this address in your browsers if you want to see: