Gay Pride Parade in Romania....sup lurch?

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.






What a mess eh? I just thought that those protestor signs were fucking hilarious!!
hey lurch, the other day I was reading about Nicolae Ceausescu (spelling?). Good times back in the day sounds like :erk:
Those signs are amazing.

hahaha Doomcifer what was that shit you had in your signature for a spell? Buttfucking = turtlefucking or something? :lol:
dorian gray said:
hey lurch, the other day I was reading about Nicolae Ceausescu (spelling?). Good times back in the day sounds like :erk:

yeah, he was a winner ... there is a great book, Red Horizons, written by an ex Securitate member that long defected to the US ... it would make a great flick. I am surprised nobody has tackled the subject yet.

His overthrow was spectacular to say the least ... I have a few minute audio file from his last speech when he realizes that people are about to start shit and he is panicking ... won't mean much to you guys as it is in Romanian ...

wish I was there when this happened in some ways ... oddly enough I would have been in the military at the time ... and probably shot
lurch70 said:
His overthrow was spectacular to say the least ... I have a few minute audio file from his last speech when he realizes that people are about to start shit and he is panicking ... won't mean much to you guys as it is in Romanian ...
Wow, I'd like to hear that.
here it is:

it's really creepy to even hear his voice. He was really an unneducated peasant that made it to power.

Basically he is shouting ... "Waiting for people to quiet down" ... then he goes into some typical speech, when the crowd had enough.

basically what happened, was that few days before this speech ... there was already an uprising in another part of Romania ... that led to his final overthrow ... this speach you hear was never completed as he had to flee the capital
ha ... never had problem with the gypsies ... they are like the jews of the eastern block :loco:
NADatar said:
Those signs are amazing.

hahaha Doomcifer what was that shit you had in your signature for a spell? Buttfucking = turtlefucking or something? :lol:



Lurch, that is pretty cool. It would simultaneously rule and pretty scary to be a part of that.