G'Damn, Mr. Slate! Blackline is awesome!


May 28, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I just found your band on myspace and I am highly intrigued. (Not to mention surprised you haven't plugged it here. :))

The mix sounds great, especially those drums. Awesome voice too :headbang:. And it's funny, while I was listening to it, I could not stop thinking to myself, "those sound like Slate drums".

Great work!

Blackline for anyone who hasn't heard it yet.
I appreciate it dude, thanks for checking us out. Its a fun project, I'm working on our 2nd album as soon as 2.0 is done.
I would like to know who the heck those girls are: the girls that are posing with the merchandise, etc.

FWIW - I think the mix on those tunes sound really good. No surprise there, though!
no worries. if we all liked the same thing life would be boring. Its not really a metal project so I don't really pimp it here, but we're doing pretty good these days and its damn fun to play!