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How do I mix drumsss ??

Hello! I am starting to use the steve slate pack and I very lost
I made the midis using the EZ and now I want to play this midis in the Slate drums, I need a sound like the such the demos in the web of slate, like blackline, the rock and nirvana kit.
Someone could tell me what is the best way to do this, some tutorial or ways to make them. I lost a lot in how to make every part of the kit out on a different track. I would also like to know how do I mix more than one snare or drum kick and how to get the power of the songs on the player for the main site.
Routing, mapping , mix tips...
Apart from the slate packs 3.0 (i will upgrade it tomorrow), I have and use cubase and Drumagog. Thank you very much in advance.
Probably anyone have a cubase sesion to share??¿ To see it as example
Greetings and cheers
How do I mix drumsss ??

Hello! I am starting to use the steve slate pack and I very lost

I made the midis using the EZ and now I want to play this midis in the Slate drums, I need a sound like the such the demos in the web of slate, like blackline, the rock and nirvana kit.
Someone could tell me what is the best way to do this, some tutorial or ways to make them. I lost a lot in how to make every part of the kit out on a different track. I would also like to know how do I mix more than one snare or drum kick and how to get the power of the songs on the player for the main site.
Routing, mapping , mix tips...
Apart from the slate packs 3.0 (i will upgrade it tomorrow), I have and use cubase and Drumagog. Thank you very much in advance.
Probably anyone have a cubase sesion to share??¿ To see it as example
Greetings and cheers