Gear Help


Jan 24, 2012
I need some additional preamps and a a/d converter to add more inputs to my RME Fireface 800. Im torn between a couple of different pieces. Not so much about the money, I just want something solid. Here's what i've been looking at.

1. M Audio Profire 2626
2. Focusrite MKii
3. Behringer ADA8000

I don't think I want the Behringer just based on the fact that it will probably fail.

What I like about the profire 2626 is that is bypasses the mic preamp on the line ins for adding better preamps or whatever. Although it is a full out interface, and has external power supply.

Does the focusrite mkii operate the same? I know turning the gain down on the pre will work but is not ideal. Internal power supply.

I know this has been discussed on here but it is such a mixed bag of reviews. Im really torn any advice would be awesome.

Current preamps i own are

Great river 1nv
Maudio DMP3
RME Fireface Preamps
Behringer Xenyx Mixer

Thanks everyone, this has got to be the best forum on earth.
well the profire is great. i use other pres with it. but i feel like if i had money i would get something like the Audient ASP008. it doesnt bypass the pres but they are suppose to be very very transparent. and the conversion may be better than the profires but my experience doesnt go beyond my 2 profires
Can anyone confirm if the Octopre MKii has better preamps than the Profire 2626? Does the internal power supply matter a whole lot? If both were the same price what would you buy? Or dont buy either and wait for something different? Will i notice a big improvement over my Behringer Xenyx preamps , maudio DMP3, or RME Fireface?
The audient is 2000.00, i know i said price wasn't a issue but i would be getting an API 3124 if i wanted to go that high. Maybe thats what I should hold out for. I dont have a ton of experience with lots of boutique preamps but Im a bit skeptical on shelling out again because to be honest although i love my great river 1nv and I do hear it's coloration and beauty I dont hear a massive difference. Im wondering if for extra tracks like toms, hats, rides etc an expensive preamp might be overkill. Pretty confused, not sure what to get. I also see the audient mico but for 700.00 its wall wart style and it's bordering on a 4 channel sytek or alike. I've also read that the mico really prefers to use it's own clock or it has issues, cant confirm this, but i do want to use my RME as my main clock.
I think in the Sub $1k price range the differences are pretty minimal.

The ADA8000 is actually one of Behringer's better pieces. All of my Behringer gear (and I have a lot) either dies in the first few weeks or lasts forever. I have 2 ADA8000's that have been in at least weekly use for 7 years now. Even one that was used before that, no problems at all.

I had one mixer that was dead in a couple weeks, the replacement I have had in my gigbag for 6 years now.

The sound quality is totally fine, especially with an external clock. The pre's are just fine for many things. Get it modded in the future if you want and that does make a decent difference.

I have an Octopre Dynamic Mkii, haven't really put through its paces yet, but it works fine. Before that i had a Digimax FS, which was pretty good too. Gets the job done and sounds good enough. I debated getting another ADA8000, but I wanted better metering, inputs on the back, and the ability to SMUX to 96k. But my Behry's still get regular use since they are in the front, I use them for DI's, modelers, tracking stuff in the control room, etc.

Other pres: Pacifica, WA12, SCA N72, SCA A12, SCA C84, TNC-73/84 (GAP Pre73's essentially).

If you don't need 96k or metering or other stuff, the ADA8000 will get the job done, save you some cash, and let you save up for more Great Rivers or nicer pres.
Any more advice before i bite the bullet? I can get the profire 2626 for the same price as the Octopre MKii. Any more suggestions or advice would be stellar.
Thanks Everyone!
Can anyone confirm if the Octopre MKii has better preamps than the Profire 2626? Does the internal power supply matter a whole lot? If both were the same price what would you buy? Or dont buy either and wait for something different? Will i notice a big improvement over my Behringer Xenyx preamps , maudio DMP3, or RME Fireface?
Are you using it as your main interface or standalone a/d preamp. My main concern for this unit is microphone preamp alone. I will 90% of the time just using it for the preamp via 1/4 direct out. Even the adat out will merely be for additional triggers or maybe the odd spot mic.

Thanks again everyone! Best forum on earth.
Are you using it as your main interface or standalone a/d preamp. My main concern for this unit is microphone preamp alone. I will 90% of the time just using it for the preamp via 1/4 direct out. Even the adat out will merely be for additional triggers or maybe the odd spot mic.

Thanks again everyone! Best forum on earth.

Main interface. I have yet to dive into the world of standalone/adding preamps converters. I'm not good enough yet for any of that! :lol:
Has anyone on here directly compared the M-Audio DMP3 / M-audio Profire Preamps to the Focusrite Octopre MKii Preamps?
Going to need a few extra preamps this week for a drum tracking session. I only have great river 1nv, 4 rme preamps, 2 dmp3 preamps. and a ton of behringer xenyx preamps. I've not used the xenyx preamps before, will they be usable for hi hats / ride spot mics of would you just leave the xenyx preamps out of the session?
I was thinking
great river - snare top
rme fireface - snare bottom
kick - xenyx preamp (going to be replaced anyways)
tom 1,2,3 - rme preamps
overheads - dmp3 preamps
hats/ride/china - xenyx preamps.

any suggestions or comments would be great. \m/ \m/
The Xenyx will do you fine for cymbal spots I think. Chances are you'll be high passing the crap out of those tracks in the mix anyway so having the highest fidelity pre's isn't a major priority.
Thanks for the response. I was thinking the same although i might replace the toms (but probably not 100%) , I think the cymbal spots are going to be the best place for the cheaper preamp.