Gear, humidity and smoking.


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
As some you may know I have a small room in a shelter with a pretty high humidity. We use dehumidifier (non-electric) and it's okay. There is no heating all the time, we just have a small heater that we turn on when we're using the room.

I'm a bit concerned about my hi-end gear though. Some screws start to rust here and there. I wonder how much this will affect the electronic itself.

I do smoke a lot in that room too and I'm not going to stop it but is it really so bad for the gear? I can imagine that some of the smoke/dust will remain but is it something that will drop the price of a 3124+ by a few hundreds?
Yes, i don´t smoke and and wouldn´t want to buy stuff that smells like shit......
I don't know... never felt the need to take a smell on my or other peoples gear ;)

Of course as a smoker I don't give a fuck how it smells.
Yes.... only my opinions :D but i don´t like, if my equipment smells....


Vllt. sieht man sich ja mal in Kiel?


I don't know... never felt the need to take a smell on my or other peoples gear ;)

Of course as a smoker I don't give a fuck how it smells.

I'm a smoker (again, unfortunately), and I give a fuck. If a piece of equipment has signs of having been in a pro-smoking studio, I won't buy it.

1) I've heard horror stories about what smoking does to pots and faders.
2) The equipment is sometimes all icky and yucky when touched.
3) Seriously, it fucking reeks. You're not smelling it because you're used to it, but everyone else notices it. I lived 18 years in a house where two people constantly smoked inside, and when I moved out, I started noticing the difference immediately even though I remained a smoker myself.
Dude you really shouldn't be smoking around your gear. All the tar and crap that's going into your lungs is also getting into your gear and gunking it up.
Any television engineer will tell you that the majority of their callouts are to smoking households as all the crap from smoking causes electronics to get fucked quicker. Your studio gear is no different.
kauf einen elektrischen luftentfeuchter und lass ihn die ganze zeit laufen.
Rauche nicht bei dem high-end stuff.

Damit fügst du deinem equipment wirklich ernsthaften schaden zu.
good to know. never thought it's that serious. can't say I like what I read but I really don't want to waste some serious money. thanks guys. hope it's not too late but I haven't noticed any issues by now.

vendo: wo kommst denn her? immer gern!

gabriel: ich befürchte das der vermieter der räume das schlichtweg nicht gestatten wird... ich such verzweifelt nach nem anständigen raum, ist in kiel aber nahezu unmöglich. scheiße ist das.

Komme aus Böklund, nähe Schleswig, werd aber hoffentlich im März mit Studium anfangen und dann auch nach Kiel ziehen. Seid ihr noch im Bunker? Mein Bruder ( "Sänger" von Divide) ist da auch mit seiner Band.


yeah, I was actually thinking of him. But most of my gear is in front of me and I'm blowing the smoke all over it + I wasn't the only one smoking most of the times. Will be pretty hard to convince the other guys not to smoke in the room :D

At least it will make me take serious breaks... ;)

Komme aus Böklund, nähe Schleswig, werd aber hoffentlich im März mit Studium anfangen und dann auch nach Kiel ziehen. Seid ihr noch im Bunker? Mein Bruder ( "Sänger" von Divide) ist da auch mit seiner Band.



Wir sind im Rathausbunker, gibt ja zwei Bunker mit Proberäumen. Der andere wäre dann der Schützenpark-Bunker. Unserer ist TOTAL schäbig, aber ich kann nichts machen... im Schützenparkbunker kannst du dich schlichtweg nicht von den anderen Räumen isolieren und hast ständig andere Bands nebenan, die Lärm machen.