Gear on Carcass Necroticism


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
I'd like to know what amp and cabinet was used on Necroticism.
Colin Richardson produced it, but I can only find information about guitar gear that was used on Heartwork.
Maybe someone here knows more. thx in advance
That's from some interview I read a while back..

GW: What gear and settings do you guys use to get your tone?
Steer: Just for simplicity, I only use one amp live--a Peavy 5150 with a Marshall Guv'nor pedal in front of it to beef up the overdrive just that little bit extra. In the studio, though, it's a different matter; I use several different amps--a selection of Marshalls and the 5150.
Hickey: One of the amps Bill used on Heartwork was a Marshall 30th Anniversary head that's really fierce, and he also used a tiny Marshall stack on pretty much every track to add some extra high end.
[Note: Mike didn't join Carcass until after the Heartwork album was recorded.]
Steer: Yeah, if I remember correctly, almost all of the guitar tracks were done with at least two amps going at once--one of them being a large amp, like the Anniversary [on channel two], a Marshall SL-X 100 watt or the 5150, and then also more often than not, my 10-watt [Marshall] Valvestate micro-stack for extra texture.
Unlike a lot of other bands who do the kind of stuff that we do, we tend to use a lot of mids. I don't think some people realize how important middle is to a guitar sound.
Hickey: Absolutely, mids are essential in a solo--without 'em your tone is real thin. My current backline setup is a Marshall SL-X 100-watt head and a Peavey 5150. I suck the mids out of the Marshall but not out the Peavey. I started the Heartwork world tour using a Guv'nor pedal too, but I just got tired of stage divers stepping on my shit!

That mentions Heartwork though, so it doesn't answer your question.
I can almost guarantee that Necro was Marshalls. On that tour all they were using was Marshalls. Im not even sure if the 5150 existed when they were tracking that album. The 5150 debut was at summer namm 91 and as for as I know Necro was recorded from late 90 to early 91.

If the 5150 was on that album i sure as shit dont hear it. I really didnt like the production on the album so much. Its just very thin.
I really didnt like the production on the album so much. Its just very thin.

How can you say this? :waah:
I think the sound is just sick. It was and it still is.
But thanks on that Marshall info to you and Charlie. Now I just need to find out which Marshall and which cab. :Smug:
Do you guys think it's possible to contact Colin?
its probably the same 30th Anniversary that was on Heartwork. That amp was Bills Workhorse for YEARS !!!!

I can guarantee it was a Marshall Cab with V30s too. Bills a stickler for the V30s

As far as contacting Colin. Im sure its possible.
I think Necroticism was released before the Marshall 30th anniversary amp came out (1992). It's possibly a JCM 900 SLX. I can't remember whether the SLX came out the same year as the Dual Reverb or not.

I highly, highly doubt that it's a 5150.