Gearbox and Addictive Drums.


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
One of my friends came over a few days ago, and he wrote and I recorded this over the course of about 2/3 hours. I'm still a noob, but my mixes are getting a little bit better with practise.

Vox still need to be recorded.

I'd really appreciate any comments on how I could improve it, since I feel I'm getting to a point where it's slightly harder for me to pinpoint exactly where I'm going wrong with my mixes.

Drums - AD

Guitars - Quad tracked Big Bottom

Bass - SVX steve 3.mp3

Cheers :)

(P.S. I have no idea why he wanted it to be called "uncle steve" haha.)
One of my friends came over a few days ago, and he wrote and I recorded this over the course of about 2/3 hours. I'm still a noob, but my mixes are getting a little bit better with practise.

Vox still need to be recorded.

I'd really appreciate any comments on how I could improve it, since I feel I'm getting to a point where it's slightly harder for me to pinpoint exactly where I'm going wrong with my mixes.

Drums - AD

Guitars - Quad tracked Big Bottom

Bass - SVX steve 3.mp3

Cheers :)

(P.S. I have no idea why he wanted it to be called "uncle steve" haha.)

heh i think it's better than my attempt after 2 hours with revalver mk3...
i hear something wrong too .. any tips?

p.s. it's one of my first attempts in general so don't be too cruel
heh i think it's better than my attempt after 2 hours with revalver mk3...
i hear something wrong too .. any tips?

p.s. it's one of my first attempts in general so don't be too cruel

Hey dude, I think that sounds really really good! The guitars sound pretty beefy.

@Necromancer197666: Cheers man, I agree on the guitars being a bit loud, I'm mixing it in some crappy cans so it's sometimes difficult to tell wether things are actually wrong, or if it's just my shitty headphones :p

And yeah I've actually not done any changes in velocity all the way through, I guess that would make the drums a bit less robotic feeling.

IMO your guitar tone is fucking killer. Heavy, full, agressive, great punch. You play very well and I really like your riffs and melodies. I liked how the guitars are loud as hell on this mix. The little solo/melody between 2:14 and 2:40 is sick with that loud rhythm guitars. The fast palm mutes in the end are so heavy and... shit dude. Congratulations.
More precise information about how you did that would be very cool.
wow your guitar tone is FUCKING AWESOME ...
what guitar did you use? can you explain your preset a little more?
Cheers guys for the nice compliments. The guitar used was my LTD EC1000. We tried a few guitars, but this sounded better as it has really thick gauge strings on it, and an 81 in the bridge. And the tone was pretty much just the BB as I posted the screen shot earlier. I used the v30 cabinet, FX Boost stomp, and the 421 mic emulation.

Then I did a HPF and a LPF, and a small boost of upper mids in cubase on all of the 8 guitar tracks. I then stuck a BBE sonic Maximizer plugin across the guitar bus, and set both of the levels to pretty much as low as they could go without being off, as this added a little bit of subtle sparkle which I liked, and then I slapped on a C4 (not with Andys settings though).

The bass makes the guitars sound a bit better than they did on their own though, and I just used ampeg SVX "Dark Dist" preset for that.
Cheers guys for the nice compliments. The guitar used was my LTD EC1000. We tried a few guitars, but this sounded better as it has really thick gauge strings on it, and an 81 in the bridge. And the tone was pretty much just the BB as I posted the screen shot earlier. I used the v30 cabinet, FX Boost stomp, and the 421 mic emulation.

Then I did a HPF and a LPF, and a small boost of upper mids in cubase on all of the 8 guitar tracks. I then stuck a BBE sonic Maximizer plugin across the guitar bus, and set both of the levels to pretty much as low as they could go without being off, as this added a little bit of subtle sparkle which I liked, and then I slapped on a C4 (not with Andys settings though).

The bass makes the guitars sound a bit better than they did on their own though, and I just used ampeg SVX "Dark Dist" preset for that.

Have you tried using impulses?
sounds killer, dude! mind sharing a bit on your addictive drums settings? (couldn't probably use the preset, I'm still running the demo :()
The addictive drums preset I used was the one that fuge86 posted, with a few very minor alterations, and I replaced the kick. And unfortunately I didn't save the gearbox preset, and I've altered the stomp settings since I recorded this clip. Sorry dude. I usually keep the mid pretty high though, and possibly use too much gain than is entirely necessary :p