Harro all, I just got XLN audio's Addictive Drums and thought I'd bang up a quick mix I did, felt like doing something Biohazard/groove-y 
I used Deadstar's preset with some minor tweaking, which kicks fantastic amounts of ass, nice work on that Deadstar!
I find these drums to be a lot more realistic and easier to work with than drumkit from hell, only problem is they aren't mapped to GM so it can be annoying shifting songs over to it.
Anyway, let me know what you think!
Oh and guitar chain was an ESP custom with a JB in the bridge, into my 6505, green channel with MXR GT-OD in front > Framus cab, v30's with a single SM57 recording the output, double tracked.

I used Deadstar's preset with some minor tweaking, which kicks fantastic amounts of ass, nice work on that Deadstar!
I find these drums to be a lot more realistic and easier to work with than drumkit from hell, only problem is they aren't mapped to GM so it can be annoying shifting songs over to it.
Anyway, let me know what you think!
Oh and guitar chain was an ESP custom with a JB in the bridge, into my 6505, green channel with MXR GT-OD in front > Framus cab, v30's with a single SM57 recording the output, double tracked.