Whatcha think of my mix? (TSE X30, Orange impulses, Addictive drums, etc.)


New Metal Member
Sep 20, 2010
Sharjah/Dubai, UAE
I recorded a few random riffs last week, and thought I'd fiddle around with the TSE X30 and some other plugins. Check it out!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11842515/Evil Test TSE X30 LOUD.mp3

Drums are from Addictive drums, running through some reverb and eq, and the Bass is just a pitch-shifted guitar lol!

Tell me what you guys think of the mix, I'm still pretty much a newbie when it comes to home recording!
And do tell me what else I can do to help improve the mix!
Its not too ba. The whole mix sounds a bit... "loose". Its obvious that the instruments weren't recorded in the same environment.

My recommendations are to ditch the reverb on the drums, or at least turn it WAY down. The kick could be scooped a little as well. After that, maybe refine the guitars a bit with more mids, and a bit of compression on the summed guitar bus.

For a newbie you are doing great! :)
Thanks customisbetter!
I guess i overdid the reverb on the drums hehe...
Oh, the guitars... I'm basically using a Zoom G2.1u as an interface (through the USB output), so it might not give the clearest DI tone, the effects chain (VST's in Reaper) are as follows;

Guitar -> Zoom G2.1u -> C4 multiband compressor -> Waves X-noise -> TSE 808 -> X-noise -> TSE X30 -> KeFir (with orange 2 mics impulse) -> ReaEQ (hp and lp)

Any suggestions as to how I can 'beef up' the tone??
The guitars are a little thin. I'd use the C4 after the whole chain, and before the reaEQ.