TSE X30 Test (Redwire Impulses)


Jan 20, 2008
First of all I would like to thank MetalJonesy for letting me use his As I Lay Dying cover DI and backing tracks.

For the past few years I have stayed away from impulses just because I was using Gearbox and it was just the easy and, if you like, lazy thing for me to do.

Recently I have bought the Redwire Recto Cab impulses and no matter what I done I couldn't get a decent tone out of it which sounded solid and tight in a mix. It sounded like it had too much 'room' or 'air' in it. I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong as I could get half decent tones out of Gearbox very easily.

I understand EQ's and how to use them but it still didnt help so I thought that it was maybe something to do with my DI signal as I was running my guitar into a tube screamer and then into a toneport.

I then found MetalJonesy's DI tracks and messed around with these to see if my D.I's were the problem. Turns out it is. I was still getting a little hint of the 'roomeness' but it was alot more controllable.

Anyway, here is what I have come up with...


The signal chain is

D.I > TSS > TSE X30 > Redwire Impulse (Recto Cab Tab57 Cap 1")

I didn't touch the backing track at all.

I kind of used it as learning tool to EQ the guitar tracks around the backing track.

Anyway, what do you think?

Any help on getting this to sound better would be greatly appreciated!

Oh BTW, does anybody know the name of this song so I can A'B my mix with the actual song! :goggly:
That's a pretty good tone, though I would layer it with a different guitar sound that is a bit thicker and darker to fill the mix up more. But, using someone elses DIs I guess you can't do that.
Thanks for the reply.

The thing is. To get the kick sitting nicely I had to EQ most of the bottom end of the guitar out and surely this is what adds the thickness. How do you go about this without the kick and guitar fighting for frequencies??
Thanks for the reply.

The thing is. To get the kick sitting nicely I had to EQ most of the bottom end of the guitar out and surely this is what adds the thickness. How do you go about this without the kick and guitar fighting for frequencies??

Considering that most metal kick drums have their "strength" in the bass at 40-80 hz, making it work with guitars should be NO problem at all. Making it work with the bass guitar can be more of a problem though but in that case you'll just have to surgically dig out the kick drum's fundamental bass tone out of the bass guitar's signal... or side chain the kick to the bass guitar but most people prefer to stay away from side chaining I think. A combo of both can work wonders.

But really, the kick drums kind of enjoy it when you scoop out the 100-500 hz area and there you have a perfect chance to make the bass guitar fit in instead. For the really low bass on the bass guitar though... I guess side chaining would be useful to let the kick through but I've gotten them to work before without doing that. Surgical EQ, that's what it's about!
hey dude, have you heard my quick mix of this song?

your deffo in the ballpark, liking the rhythm tone you got outta tyhat amp sim, im still yet to achieve one from it as i use it for leads

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/369408/AILD 2nd STR MSTR.mp3

Thanks dude. It's nice to hear another take on it aswell to compare.

Considering that most metal kick drums have their "strength" in the bass at 40-80 hz, making it work with guitars should be NO problem at all. Making it work with the bass guitar can be more of a problem though but in that case you'll just have to surgically dig out the kick drum's fundamental bass tone out of the bass guitar's signal... or side chain the kick to the bass guitar but most people prefer to stay away from side chaining I think. A combo of both can work wonders.

But really, the kick drums kind of enjoy it when you scoop out the 100-500 hz area and there you have a perfect chance to make the bass guitar fit in instead. For the really low bass on the bass guitar though... I guess side chaining would be useful to let the kick through but I've gotten them to work before without doing that. Surgical EQ, that's what it's about!

Yea I understand what you are saying with this and I am really starting to get how to scoop frequencies of certain instruments to let others breath in that 'pocket'. I'm starting to get an ear for it aswell as im scooping frequencies from certain things I can really hear that instrument coming through the mix and sitting in the right place.

As for the guitars though I am still finding it hard to keep some of the lower end of the guitars that give it more fullness. WIh this mix it seemed as though when I added more bass frequencies it was muddying up the bass end quite a lot.

I guess its just something that comes with practice but I am really starting to take this a bit more seriously now. Songwriting is starting to take a back seat at the moment :u-huh:

Thaanks for your help anyway!!