Gearbox, dfhs2. sound test


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2006
Hello hello..

I'm beginning to get into recording and writing again, after years of total block.
It's still very light material so to speak. Not much going on. Just some simple riffs, but I'd like to hear what you think of the overall sound and if this kinda music is just to boring.


Failzor clip here
I didn't get through much of the clip at all. I really, really disliked the guitar tone. I like guitar tone to have more body. Your tone was sizzling with loads of high end and a very noisy kind of gain. Try taming it somehow. Not trying to be negative, just constructive.
Yeah dude, gotta agree, that guitar tone is ALL fizz and not much else, in my slightly inebriated state I couldn't even make it past when the drums came in.
And I finally thought I nailed a good tone haha.. Cheers for your input, I'll try something different on those guitars..
Hmm, maybe my speakers are coloring to much. It sounds good on my end..

Problem is, if I turn the gain down even more. I dont have any sustain at all.. Don't know how to help that problem..