GearBox screwed up my PODxt's driver or something


Feb 23, 2008
So today I installed GearBox to use instead of Line 6 Edit. It has to reinstall my PODxt's driver and updated it. I use Reaper for my DAW and before I did this I used ASIO PODxt as my ASIO Driver in there. Now when I try to use that it gives me a message saying it won't work and I should disable sound playback and recording in Sound Recorder. Well, I did that and it works but now I can't use Winamp or Guitar Pro while I have my PODxt on which is what I did all the time before and I definitely don't feel like going into Sound Recorder and changing the settings everytime I want to record. So I've uninstalled GearBox and reinstalled pretty much every PODxt driver there is on the site and it still won't work. Does anyone know how the hell I can fix this? I wish I could just rewind time and not install Gearbox lol.

Also, this doesnt matter I'm sure but in Reaper under ASIO PODxt in Preferences it says 'Input 1/2" before It said 'PODxt"...