Gearing up to release my EP, is a 'behind-the-mix' type doc a good idea as a bonus?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I'm putting the final touches on my EP, which some of you have heard over the year. It's the one that combines synth and guitars - you can listen to the song that started it all here.

I'm considering putting together a detailed look at some of the synthesisers I used throughout the album - how I approached their creation, what kinda plugins I used, and what kinda riffs they were used for, clips in and out of the mix, etc.

Before beginning this I had no idea about synths - didn't even know what an LFO was - and over the creation of the EP I've got some really interesting sounds I think. It'd be a good intro for anyone wanting to learn how to use synths more effectively, as a lot of the synths I use are free. Just wondering how big an audience there'd be for this - outside this forum, too.
This is a quick mock-up of one example. I could maybe put in a bit more information, and some pictures:

“Fucked Typewriter”
This is heard extensively in ______, especially at the beginning. This is made up of 3 different patches, all using Camel Alchemy software synth.
The first patch takes a Typewriter sample, and a short sample from “The Dark Knight” soundtrack, octaves them. I use the Distortion and Acoustic Reverb effects within Alchemy, and then GClip the whole thing outside. This was my initial idea for the synth, but it lacked tone, and the notes being played weren’t coming through.
I added a second patch, which I called “Refugee”. It was basically a heavier take on my “Immigrant Synth” from before. I use an octave Cello pluck, and some hard electronic waveforms. These are driven hard into Noisesoft Hardline plugin to distort them. At this point the synth was pretty much ‘done’, but it was still lacking a bit of beef.
The final patch is simply a piano, tuned really low and octave, and then EQ’d so that it’d be just the mids and highs – no boomy lows. This helped flesh out the whole thing.
All three patches are sent into Slate Digital VCC, and a bit of EQ.

Notes on the riffs: This synth never holds onto a note, as it starts to get ugly and loud pretty fast. All notes are 8ths or less, and when I needed to hold a note for say, a quarter, I would split it into an 8th, and then an 8th octave straight after.